All correct above - basically, the internet the same. That's why they call it the World Wide Web. ;)
One minor potential item to be aware of: non-US keyboards often have the physical key layout slightly different from what you're used to - especially in places where the native language uses different characters. Keyboards (real and virtual) on your own devices obviously won't be any different. But if you're using a shared computer, that keyboard might be different.
Not an issue at all in English speaking countries, and only a few minor changes in other countries that use some different (accented) characters. Once you venture off to someplace where the "Roman" characters (the letters A-Z, etc.) are not the primary character set, then it gets more interesting - if you're off to somewhere in eastern Europe or elsewhere that uses Cyrillic characters (Russian) it may be more challenging. In Asia, it can be much more interesting. In most all cases, you will see more (maybe lots more) characters printed on each key on the keyboard - there may be up to four characters on each key, usually printed in each corner of they keys. You typically invoke the desired key by pressing some Function key or making a choice via software for the desired keyset.
For most tourists, this will never be an issue. But if you sit down at a shared computer at a hotel or cafe in Bulgaria (or Beijing) you may have to slow down your typing and look carefully to see what's printed on the keys. Don't worry about this, just don't freak out of you go looking for the question mark or exclamation point characters ("?" and "!") and you don't see them in the usual spot. They will still be there, just somewhere else (along with various characters that are probably unfamiliar to you).
It's a big world out there. That's good. Don't let it spook you.