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Internet Access

I am planning to take a netbook with me for three weeks in March but not my cell phone. I am staying in small B&B's some of which say they have internet access. How available is wireless in public places? Am I in for challenges if I do not have a phone for "dial up"? Does anyone have experience traveling with a computer in Italy? Would it be better to just visit internet cafes? I will be using my netbook for email and general internet information.

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586 posts

Hey, Renee,

We've always brought a Netbook to Italy, for keeping in touch via email and Facebook, and for editing/naming pics before leaving each town. Just about every place has some type of access these days, either a wireless connection for your Netbook or a community computer in the lobby or sitting room. But I would definitely confirm ahead of time with each place before you book if Internet access is that important to you. Have a great trip!

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2876 posts

Just to digress a bit, an IPod Touch is WAY easier to pack and tote around than a netbook, and has the same email and internet capability.

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33 posts

We took our IPOD Touch. Our hotels in the major cities had wireless. Our Villa in Tuscany had a computer with dial up connection. However, the hotels charged for Wi Fi so we only paid for it occasionally just to touch base with our kids.

The room safes were not big enought to hold a regular laptop but I do not know the size of the thing that you have. They were just small safes for holding our IPOD, some of our $$, our passports, etc.

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362 posts

If you bring an iPad you can buy a mini sim from Vodafone to use while you are here - pretty convenient.