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28601 posts

There's some very interesting info there.

The first designated taxable period is April 25 - May 5. At this time there are no taxable days after mid-July. I'd have guessed late July and August would be quite busy in Venice, but maybe a lot of Europeans head to beaches then, rather than to Venice. The city wasn't crazy-awful the second half of September 2022.

Everyone in Venice (not including the islands) between 0830 and 1600 on the designated days must have a barcode obtained from the website. That includes people staying in Venetian hotels, who are one of the categories not being charged. I guess that means there will be inspectors wandering around, asking to see people's barcodes. This seems awkward for folks not traveling with smartphones.

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550 posts

Thank you. This is helpful information for my trip to Venice in May.