Hello! I was so excited to figure out that we will be in Venice during a fun festival in mid July.. but just realized maybe the museums, etc will be closed during that time? Does anyone know for sure? Or have been there during that festival? Or a way I can look things up?
This kind of question has, in the past, been difficult for anyone here to accurately answer, because you almost have to be a Venice resident, or very familiar with Venice, to know the answer. For that reason, I suggest you go here
click here to go to the Venice Forum of Trip Advisor
where 2 of their 4 Destination Experts live in Italy, one in Venice.
And come back here to see us to get your other travel questions answered. Just trying to get you the best answer we can, wherever that may be.
I just went online to tickitaly.com and punched in those dates to get tickets to the museums in Venice and it said they were available/open that day.. so I'm thinking they might be open which is a relief! But I will also try your suggestion as well, to make sure!
I just went online to tickitaly.com and punched in those dates to get tickets to the museums in Venice and it said they were available/open that day.
Allowing for the different concept of efficiency in Italy, re what it says on websites, etc (please, don't write in, it's a wonderful country, love it!)--if I were you I'd still investigate further over at the you-know-who travel forum.
Hi Kent..
Not sure what the first part of your email meant at all... but anyway, I did go to the other forum and asked and they said yes the places are open.