Any ideas on what type of store may sell ice trays or wash cloths?
Well I guess it depends are where you are currently. Are you in southern Italy right now and you need to find an ice tray and a wash cloth for reasons that are pretty intriguing? Or are you planning a trip and wondering how you're going to find them. If you're going to a sizable city with a grocery you might find an ice tray there. Wash cloths don't show up in hotel rooms consistently. If these two things are crucial to you, throw one of each into your suitcase. They weigh nothing and take up almost no room.
If you're renting apartments, they usually come with ice trays in my experience.
If you want to take waschloths with you, you could buy a cheap bundle of them and discard them rather than bring them back. Or you could go native.
I don't know what going native means, but Italians don't use washcloths (not even sure they exist, certainly not when I was living there). Italians use sponges for bathing, however most hotels don't provide those either. You can buy sponges (including mesh sponges, which take no room in your suitcase) at any supermarket or department store in Italy that sells bathroom products.
Ice tray in Italian is "contenitore per cubetti di ghiaccio". You should be able to find those in hardware shops (negozi di ferramenta) or department stores carrying hardware products.
I wouldn't carry any of the above from home. They are pretty easy to find in Italy.
Enjoy the differences of being in another culture for your vacation! They don't use ice trays & washcloths; I wouldn't use room in my suitcase to pack them.
Thank you to all, I can make it with out washcloths but wanted ice trays for cocktails etc.... Will check the hardware stores, it's the one store I didn't think of to check!
So you'll be staying in places that provide a "freezer" for your use but those places don't provide "ice" for you? Sorry - but that don't make NOOO sense!
The huge ice making machines so common in American hotels are rare in Italy (never seen them) however if all you need is some cubes for a drink, they can provide them for you at the hotel bar, that is what my wife and I usually do. They will simply fill a glass with ice cubes that you can take to your room and use for your drink.
Having an ice container won't help you since there is likely no ice making machine to fill it. If your hotel room has a refrigerator (not common if it's a budget hotel), it will likely have the little ice cube tray in it. Unless it's one of those minibars full of drinks where they charge you everytime you remove a drink. Those often have no room for anything extra.
If there is no refrigerator in the room, then asking for some ice cubes at the bar downstairs is the best (and often the only) option.
Going native = no ice, no wash cloth.
Hi Khayes,
We often (in North America) have cocktails in our room, relaxing and easy; not so much in Europe. We feel that we are wasting an time and opportunity to sit outside on a city sidewalk or bar and watch the world go by. Especially in the late afternoon/early evening when the passegiata occurs. Join in and walk along the streets and sit down wherever suits your fancy. Some of our best memories are of sitting on the sidewalk enjoying an Italian beverage while we watch the local action. I encourage you to try it. Buon viaggio, Sherry
I often bring a couple disposable ice cube bags like these. They take no room in your suitcase. You just fill them with water and freeze.
Are you there already? Of so, check out the "Chinese" stores, like the "dollar" stores we have in N.A.. Also try a large 'Ipermercato'. It's surprising what you can find.
I ordered some dirt-cheap muslin baby washcloths from China before I left. They weigh nothing and I've been using them as napkins, washcloths, etc.. They will not come home with me.