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I want to see Venice and the Cinque Terra before my cruise

I'm taking the wife and three kids on a 12 day cruise out of Rome and we would like to see Venice and the Cinque before the cruise. We are planning one day in Venice and 2 days in the Cinque Terra. Any suggestions about what order and which airport should we fly into. Also how about transportation from the airport to either location. Should we book a hotel prior or just show up and hope for the best? Thanks

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1201 posts

Dennis - you get to do one of three things and I'll let you know which one I'd do.

If you only want to see places, you can actually fly into Venice stay one night then train to the CT and stay two. But for me that falls into the why bother category for both place.

Here's why, coming from the west coast you'll probably be jet lagged on arrival, by the time you adjust (maybe) in Venice it's time to take a 6 hour train ride to the CT. So you really can't experience Venice in the time you have and you've blown about half or more of the next day on the train.

So if you can't add more time to your trip, then stick to one spot and I'd suggest Venice. Easy to get to, unique, relatively safe for older kids (teens) to wander around on their own and fun.

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362 posts

I think the obvious route is to fly into Venice (east coast) then, make it over to Cinque Terre (west coast), and then down to Rome.

That is quite a haul though for a day in Venice - the train from Venice to Vernazza is about 10 hours minimum. Don't know what your economics are but if you are going all the way to Venice first (from the U.S.?) and you are jet lagged at all - you should stay at least a couple of days to enjoy it!

Just my .02 -

Added - ah yes - I see you are CA. Skip Venice this trip, spend a few days in the Cinque Terre - or vice versa - both in 3 days sounds killer!

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23460 posts

I concur with the previous postings. Too much distance to be practical with a short time line. I assume round trip cruise out of Rome. You might consider an extension at both ends. If going to Venice be sure to use an open jaw ticket -- home from Rome.

Posted by
271 posts

Dennis, you need to give us a bit more info before recommending on how to spend time before your cruise departs out of Rome. You didn't mention if you've been to Italy before, or Rome for that matter.
Are you planning on arriving in Rome the day before your departure and staying in the proximity of the cruise terminal? If you are planning on using public transportation (versus a rental car) you'll need to budget ample time between your airport arrival and destination one. Are you accounting for a day to battle jet lag - i.e., your one day in Venice may amount to very little sight seeing if your family can't keep their eyes open. And, getting from Italy's east coast to the west coast (or vis-a-versa) is not trivial - especially, if you are using public transportation. Arriving into Rome and departing from Rome offers many more non-stop options from the US; that said, Milan is much closer to Venice or Cinque Terra. Perhaps you have an open-jaws trip in mind. Suggestion One: If you've not been to Rome, stay there for three wonderful days prior to the cruise (I am very biased towards "less is more" - see one are in greater depth than blasting across the EU). #2 How about flying into Rome, going to a small Tuscan town for 2 days (allowing for a nap) and then on to CT? Pick a town with good train connections. #3 Head out to Umbria for 2 days (ditto for nap) and then on to Venice for 2 days. OBTW - make your reservations in advance; unless your budget is limitless, you will find better choices for 5 in advance. And, take a look at renting a car or small van. The highways are fast and the back roads are more beautiful than I can describe. Have a wonderful trip and send me a private email if I can offer any additional assistance.

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73 posts

Thanks for all the information. I little more background. My family has never been to Italy, or Europe for that matter. The kids are 5,7, & 11, so we already know it's going to be challenging enough and don't want to make it any more difficult. We are planning on arriving in Rome on May 16th and our cruise is leaving the 18th. Our plan was to see both the CT and Venice, but it seems that may be problematic unless we add a day or two to the trip. Is it reasonable to think we can add one day and take the trip between the two at night?

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108 posts

3 kids, luggage, new to Europe, trains, airport transfers, Italian bureaucracy, jet-leg...ugh.

Do yourself a favor - either extend your trip a week, or forget about seeing Venice or Cinque Terre and enjoy 2 days in Rome before your cruise getting accustomed to the time-change, culture, etc. The 100s of Euros you'll save in transportation costs can be applied towards a nicer hotel in Rome (maybe one that provides babysitting services so you and the wife can have a romantic dinner in Rome!). Assume you'll be back.

Just my two cents. Buon viaggio!

Posted by
73 posts

Is it feasible to fly into Milan and drive to Venice and then to the Cinque Terra and then onto Rome?

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12172 posts


I can see several options.

One is to fly into Milan, head to CT, then to Venice and down to Rome.

Second, fly into Venice then head to CT and down to Rome.

I would pick based on flight availability and price.

I've driven from Venice to CT and stopped in between at Modena because it was too much travel for one day.

My family enjoyed both areas. I would definitely see Venice, CT is fun for relaxing but doesn't have any major sites. If it becomes unworkable to see both, save CT for a later visit and add a stop in Florence, Orvieto, Bologna or Assisi on the way to Rome.

You don't say when you are going. I tend to travel outside of the main season and only get advance reservations for my first and last night. If you go in the summer, you will probably be best getting reservations ahead of time.

PS. I graduated from Santana

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186 posts

I agree with all the other posts that Venice and Cinque Terre in 3 days is too much. I would either fly into Venice, spend what time you can and then take the train directly to Rome for the cruise.

I also like the idea of seeing Rome before the cruise and leaving Venice & Cinque Terre for another time. There will be plenty to see in Rome. You will lose so much time traveling between Venice & Rome and it will be even more difficult with little ones. I fear that you'll look back and remember that all you saw in the three days before the cruise was the train station and airport. Don't try to squeeze too much in too short a time.

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794 posts

Dennis -

You asked, "Is it feasible to fly into Milan and drive to Venice and then to the Cinque Terra and then onto Rome?"

Well, it's doable, but that wouldn't be so fun either, especially if you still only have 3 days.

Why would you fly into Milan if you want to visit Venice and the Cinque Terre, and need to end up in Rome?

More feasible, but I still wouldn't do it, is to fly into Venice - for more than one day. Pick up a rental car on the way out of Venice, and drive to the Cinque Terre. Lots of people recommend taking the train to the Cinque Terre, but we've always driven there. The Villa Steno in Monterosso has its own parking, so you won't have to worry about where to park. Then, drive from the Cinque Terre all the way to Rome.

Use viamichelin or google maps to check your travel times - I get a travel time of 4 hours, 20 minutes from Venice to the Cinque Terre, and 4 hours, 42 minutes from the Cinque Terre to Rome. Your actual time will be longer than those. And, you don't want to be driving a car in Rome - it's very frenzied and Romans are very aggressive drivers. So it would be best to drop your rental car outside of Rome.

If you took the train from Venice to the Cinque Terre, it would take about 6 hours, per the trenitalia website. The Cinque Terre to Rome trip would be around 5 hours, depending on which train. All of these involve changing trains during the trip.

I would suggest that you fly into Venice, spend several days there, then take the train to Rome.

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873 posts

My opinion would be to skip the CT all together given the amount of time you have, the level of experience with European travel, the number and age of the folks you have to manage, and the potential jet lag interfering with the enjoyment of it. It is lovely, but if you are enjoying a cruise, you will most likely get a chance to experience similar locals and sceneries. CT should be done at a leisurely pace, not an in-and-out trip. Fly into Venice, spend a few days, and then either train it or fly into Rome. Someone posted this website, which I think is a great way to figure out the details of getting from Venice to Rome: Then, fly back home from Rome.

I just think getting more out of one location rather than passing through will make for a more enjoyable trip. Either way, have fun!

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23460 posts

Arriving in Rome 16th and departing on the 18th and trying to get to Venice and CT with three small children is completely out of the question. Lets work backwards. First, the cruise port is in Civitavecchia - an hour by train and closer to an hour and half via taxi. Most cruise ships required you to be on board at least two hour prior to departure which probably is mid-afternoon -- 2, 3 oclock at the latest. It would be difficult to drive from CT, to Civit..., drop a car, and get on board on the 18th which means you need to be in or near Rome on the 17th.

To have a shot of making this work, you need to add at least a week and do an open jaw ticket either into Milan (more options) or Venice and home from Rome assuming the cruise returns to Rome. Our experience with our boys and traveling is that you travel slower and especially the 5 and 7 year old are not going to be interested in long hours of sightseeing. Best I could see would be into Venice, next day Venice but jet lag especially with the kids will slow you down, third day in Venice and maybe start towards CT. Fourth, fifth day in CT, day 6 head to Rome and day 7 board the ship.

My very personal recommendation would be three or four days in Rome only. Lots to see and do in Rome and the kids would enjoy it. That way, when you board the ship everyone is well rested, and ready to enjoy the cruise rather than being exhausted from extensive travel.

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348 posts

Agree with the just do Rome and really enjoy the city. unless you can add a couple more days and do venice. Also where does your 12 day trip end

Posted by
73 posts

This site has been so helpful, thanks for all the good input. It looks like we are going to three days in Rome prior to leaving on the cruise. Plenty of time to enjoy Rome and get out internal clocks set correctly to enjoy the cruise. Thanks again for all your wonderful suggestions.

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108 posts

I'm sure we can all agree that you're more than welcome! But can we ask a favor? Will you promise you'll go back and see Venice and the Cinque Terre?

Posted by
348 posts

Thanks Jason,

If your kids like Rome. We recommend a 10-14 day trip in Milan airport - down to Cinque terra over to Florence then to Venice.

Posted by
73 posts

I already had to promise my wife that this will not be our only trip to Italy. We will be going back soon.

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23460 posts

Dennis, that is a good mind set. Too many people assume it will be their only trips and, therefore, need/want to see everything. The result is that don't really see much at all other than transportation vehicles. My wife has always had the attitude -- "We will see that next time." Next time has sometimes been ten years and some we have not gotten back to but there is always next year.