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I'm getting some bad vibes..... maybe I need a different agriturismo

Hi all,
Over the last couple of months, I have been emailing our agriturismo (Agriturismo Bagnolo) about tours of the pecorino production of their milk and olive oil from their olives. The responses I get are ambiguous and confusing. I thought it might be a problem with English, so this time I sent my email in Italian (google translate) in very clear short sentences. The response was faster this time (I actually got one), but the answers are still ambiguous. One email said that production is only on Thursday and Monday, but didn't give any details. I didn't get a response from the next two emails. This last one said that tours can't be offered during production but didn't say if there was production that day or any other details. The "partner" website for their tours does not give an email address and when you "click" on the email link, nothing happens. I am trying to decide if I should just let it alone and relax for a couple of days or if I should look for another Agriturismo since my BFF wanted to see a farm in action.
Is this the universe telling me that I have booked the wrong Agriturismo??? Does anyone have any alternate Agriturismos? (I have contacted Isabella at Morriciani and all their locations are fully booked.

Posted by
3812 posts

Do you want to know what they are most probably thinking about you? "Jesus, this woman really needs a night out, a nice breakfast the morning after and less spare time"

Posted by
1662 posts

Hi bilez,

Is this where you are going? If so, very beautiful!

Pour a glass of Prosecco in a pretty flute and enjoy :) Italy and Sicily are not rushed. Don't worry and be a bit more patient.

I can appreciate your excitement over wanting an answer about your plans; especially since you have been planning this ahead of time. It is a reasonable request to have the details at hand.

Communication is key but is not always available. It is not evident how they monitor their emails or calls. Maybe they are too busy to check every day. Even with google translate, the wording may come across as a different interpretation. Even though you think it makes sense, we don't see what they see.

Have you read Trip Advisor and saw the translation of some of the foreign reviews? Some of the wording is backwards or they make no sense. Perhaps the receiver of your emails may be thinking they are answering your inquiries - giving you the details of what they are understanding from your emails. Of course that is all a guess on my part. But, I thought I would just put it out there.

I think you should wait a week unless your trip is very very soon. Don't be too hasty. I think...the 'universe' will show you a good time ;)

Posted by
17603 posts

It may be a case of “lost in translation.” Assuming the website posted above for the agriturismo is correct, the linked partner website says the visits to the production facility are on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, and they give morning and afternoon times. Reservations are required. A click on the rotating “@“ connects to their email right away.

Posted by
24 posts

I would add one thought, though please note this is not from an Italian perspective, so I can't speak to either a cultural difference or your specific agriturismo inquiry. One of the wonderful bits about booking at an agriturismo (or at least, the intent) is that you're staying at a working farm. This is added income for the farmer, and an authentic experience for the traveler. As such, they may not always be set up to have accommodations be the #1 part of the business. You can't always schedule your production seasons, and tours may be more on an "as needed" basis.

It would be my inclination to assume they are working with what nature gives them, and they will do their best to you as a guest. I'm sure they value your sincere interest in their work, but they need to tend to the farm first - it's a changing environment and economy, and for farms to be viable they require more than 100%. I hope that your awkward communications indicate something fantastic: that you and your bff will truly be witnessing a REAL farm in action - not a showpiece for tourists.

Wishing you a WONDERFUL visit!

Posted by
2218 posts

Do you want to know what they are most probably thinking about you? "Jesus, this woman really needs a night out, a nice breakfast the morning after and less spare time.”

Really. I’ve read some of your other posts and you seem to be overthinking and over planning.

I know you want to do something special for your BFF’s 60th birthday, but you seem to be a lot more concerned about it than she is. In trying to make the trip “perfect” you are trying to do too much. I also think when things don’t go as you have imagined, you’ll think you’ve let her down.

I have a radical idea. Go with what you’ve already booked, but don’t worry about the long exhausting day trips you’ve mentioned. Begin each day as a blank slate. Be open to whatever the day brings. More importantly, let your friend set the itenerary. You and she might find a relaxing trip that’s more about being in the moment will be far more memorable than ticking off the must see sites or trying to recreate your experiences from the past.

Posted by
11891 posts

Dario, thank you for the chuckle.

bilezmom Seriously, you need to go with the flow. This is Italy and high season. These people are working long days with a farm and demanding visitors and just don’t have time to deal with endless questions about things that will easily be resolved when you arrive. Set you expectations to “It will be wonderful!”

Posted by
225 posts

Dear Lola,
Thank you so much. I have clicked on the @ dozens of times and nothing happens. Would you mind seeing if it works for you and if so, post the email address for me? Thank you !

Posted by
225 posts

I got it! Instead of my computer, I just tried it on my phone and the @ worked ! Thank you your help and encouragement.
As to the insulting comments from others, this is a forum about help, not judgement. There are experiences that can not be left to last minute (this being one of them as Lola mentioned) and since this is a once in a lifetime gift for my friend, it is important to me that it goes as well as I can arrange.
I leave you with the words of my departed grandmother, « if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all »

Posted by
3522 posts

Makes sense to me that they don't do tours during their production days. Probably everyone on the farm is busy producing. They have already told you they do their production on Monday and Thursday. Is one of the days you are asking about to take a tour Monday or Thursday? Then they aren't offering tours those days. They do say on their main webpage that guests staying there get to participate in all the farm activities. I think this is different than the tours offered by the partner site.

How involved do you really want to be in the daily activities of a farm? Do you want to milk a goat? Feed the pigs? Butcher a pig to make ham? I don't know how much of that they actually would be willing to allow you to do. I would guess on production days probably not much since without farm experience anyone would only get in the way. They do have a schedule to meet.

One thing about the partner site. It does not appear to have been updated since 2006. Might be why the email link doesn't work.

Posted by
1255 posts

Wow--I didn't think any of the comments were insulting. People are just trying to offer you advice, and nicely, I might add. And, I agree with them.

On another note, I have found that when I communicate to places in Italy, if I use very simple words, and short sentences, they understand me. To me, google translator doesn't always make sense. I write the dates and times in European format, and I always use "bourgiorno" "grazie", or one of the few other Italian words I know.

Posted by
225 posts

Thanks Mark,
Part of the confusion is that they first told me that they only have tours on Mondays and Thursdays, then when I asked to make a reservation, they said that if there is production on a Monday or a Thursday, there would not be a tour. I understand about not being able to go on a production day, it's just the frustration of generalized answers and no opportunity to actually reserve, or even know if the option will be available. I always give them our dates and number of people.

Thanks for the heads up on the date of the website. Let's see if the email from my phone gets a response. This is about a birthday gift for my BFF and one of her wishes was to visit a working farm and see how it all happens. I don't think she actually wants to milk a cow - lol. But being able to see the workings of the farm would be wonderful. I picked this Agriturismo because it indicated that we could see the farm at work and have a tour of the cheese production or olive oil production.

Wait, I just received this reply:


in the morning it's not possible, ma in the afternoom yes. It's possible october 5 and 6 in the morning and in the afternoom.

I'm waiting your confermation



lol - still confusing, but at least I am getting specific replies. Thank you all for you help.

Posted by
3522 posts

OK, that makes it clearer.

I know I really enjoyed my stay at an agriturismo. We just missed the end of their production for the year (olive oil and grapes) so not much farming to do the days we were there. We did get to try some of the just pressed olive oil -- never have I ever tasted anything that fantastic.

Hope your experience is equally fantastic.

Posted by
225 posts

Thanks Mark.
I'm sure whatever ends up happening, it will be great.

Posted by
1662 posts

bilez, maybe you didn't read my posts. I took time to give thoughts and encouragement. I also wrote my opinion of "perhaps why" the receiver was not responding to your emails. Also, I linked the agriturismo asking if that is the one you are staying at - I was pretty sure, but you never answered. I also wrote that it is a beautiful place.

I didn't read some of the others, but I don't appreciate being lumped in with those who set you off. It's a shame that negative people can overpower some good.

Posted by
225 posts

My deepest apologies. I did read your lovely reply and did not mean to lump you in with those who wrote hurtful replies. As you can see from my post with the partner's email, I do understand about translation and did endeavor to be brief and clear in my questions. It is a challenge when one doesn't speak the other's language (I mean I wish I spoke Italian ;) ). I will definitely take you up on that glass of prosseco, though. Again my apologies for not responding to your helpful post.

Posted by
1662 posts

Ah ok, Lori

Thanks a lot for your reply. I appreciate that you want to plan a lovely, memorable trip. I'm sure it's stressful because it involves another person you want to gift to. By the way, the breathtaking view is awesome. Excellent. You will have a wonderful, fun time, no doubt. Once you arrive, you will forget all about the negatives. Yes, lots of Prosecco.

Posted by
17603 posts

Great to see her response! She is mixing in a bit of Italian: the “ma” is Italian for “but” which makes sense in the sentence.

When you write back to request a time, thank her for her kindness and tell her you are looking forward to your visit very much.

I am on an iPad, so that may explain why the “@“ link for the email worked for me and on your phone, but not on a regular computer.

Posted by
4105 posts


This is a true working farm. This family is busy 24/7. It's a large farm by Tuscan standards, 200 hectares is equal to almost 500 acres. Add 800 sheep and the pigs to the mix along with the gardens and fruit their daily plate is full. These are real people opening their lives to you.

As a farmer myself and having had a 150 Angus herd, I know what their priorities are. You will have their attention, as their guests do now, when you're there.

You've made a great selection and will be amazed when you get there.

Here's a little insight into the life of a sheep/cheese producer. Read it so you have some information before you arrive.

One other thing, do not be alarmed on arrival, their Guinea hens may be loose. They are the farms alarm system.

You're going to have a fabulous time.