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6636 posts

Okay, this one made me laugh out loud. Thanks, Gundersen. I've been needing a good laugh.

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16348 posts

The great Gigi Proietti, one of the best Italian actors ever.
Unfortunately he just passed away last November, on the day of his 80th birthday.

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5644 posts


For my Italian language friends...the translation's wrong though. The cow guy says it's 5:35... subtitles say 10 past 10. Maybe that's Italian slow time :-)

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1077 posts

It's amazing how life in Italy can be so simple and relaxing . . . and lots of opportunities to smile and laugh. Thanks for the attitude lift this morning!

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1700 posts

"The great Gigi Proietti" - I looked him up. I don't recall him but must have seen him in 'Who Is Killing The Great Chefs Of Europe', which I barely remember. With that wondeful overactor, Robert Morley.

I'll give Pinocchio a shot, if I can get hold of it somehow.

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1230 posts

RE: Gigi Proietti. If you subscribe to the MHz channel through Prime, you can see him in a series called "Bulletproof Heart" ("Una pallottola nel cuore."), one of the last things he starred in before his death. In the first two seasons it's a great joy watching him work with Licia Maglietta--a couple of accomplished actors playing well off of each other. Also, be sure to keep watching as the credits role--at the end of each episode he tells a story, of which he seems to have an endless supply.

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4179 posts

Fell asleep last night in stitches ! Woke up this morning , still laughing over this , Thanks , Gundersen !

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17603 posts

I just want to say, we started watching "Bullerproof Heart" and are really enjoying it. The storyline, the scenery ,the acting . . . It's all good.

Those who who enjoyed "Bread and Tulips' will enjoy seeing actress Licia Maglietta again, somewhat older but still lovely and lively.

Thank you Eric for mentioning this.