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How to search trip reports-southern Italy/Sicily

You were all so very helpful while I planned our first trip to Italy. I am in the beginning stages of collecting info for a return trip-this time to southern Italy and Sicily.

I am not very computer savvy, and I am trying to search for trip reports on this site...not having any luck with the search option. I know there is a way to google specific info on this site, but heck if I can figure out how to accomplish that!
We are planning an independent trip Oct 2019-approx 18 days +travel days seems to be our comfort level.

First trip included Varenna, CT, Lucca, Florence, Bologna, and Venice. Varenna and Lucca were our favorites, along with Florence, but we want to return to Florence for an extended trip in off-season someday....we were there 4 days in Sept and felt we only scratched the very crowded surface.
Thanks for not rolling your eyes at my ineptness with the internet! :)

Posted by
378 posts

You should just be able to type in Sicily Trip Reports in Search. I just did and many links come up. Harold has a very detailed trip report that was helpful to us.

We were in Sicily last year and as others may also say, it requires at a minimum two weeks.

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2429 posts

hi jill
at top of this page has a picture of magnifying glass and search. type in sicily and southern italy trip reports, scroll down to "Sicily created one year ago" or further down "Sicily in June. Pinch me! created two years ago". they have a Best of Sicily and further down is posts from Harold of New York, NY and click on his reports and posts. very detailed info which should help you and give you ideas. you have lots of time to read up his great trip and adventure he had. no rolling of eyes here, i am not computer savvy but know enough to get my brain working by trial and error. you can always come back with questions and answers. happy travels

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11294 posts

Here's a direct link to my Sicily trip report:

And here's a more recent trip report from someone else, about mainland southern Italy:

As for your search difficulties: anyone who has attempted to search this site certainly isn't rolling any eyes at you! Here's one way that may get you better results:

1) Put your seach terms in Google (such as "Sicily trip report" without the quotation marks).
2) You will get an avalanche of results - ignore them all.
3) Instead, go to Settings near the top of the page, and choose "Advanced Search." Under "site or domain," put in "" for all the Forums, or "" for just the Trip Reports section of the Forum (again, no quotation marks).

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2429 posts

thanks harold for the google info. learn something new everyday about being more computer literate.

Posted by
142 posts

Harold-thank you! This is the info I was trying to find. I am using an iPad, and maybe that inhibits the search function on this site? I find it difficult to use, at any rate!
Thank you all for your replies!