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How to get to Palombaro - outside Chieti

Hi All,

My husband and I will be traveling to Italy at the end of June through mid July. I have my entire trip planned with the exception of one part. My husbands family comes from Palombaro, which is southwest of Chieti or Pescara (map link below) and we would like to stay a night there. Does anyone know how we could get there without renting a car? We will be leaving from Naples. I have looked at trenitalia and it looks like I have to go from Naples to Pescara, with at least 2 train changes, but then what should we do from there? Does anyone know of any buses? A friend told me that you can catch a bus to anywhere in Italy! I would appreciate any advice. We really don't want to rent a car... diving together in the U.S. causes fights between us, can't imagine what driving in Italy would do to us :),+Abruzzi,+Italy&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&hl=en&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FXbPggIdYCPZAA&split=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.875,57.630033&hq=&hnear=Palombaro+Chieti,+Abruzzi,+Italy&z=13


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1201 posts

Let me make a suggestion:

You might want to stay two nights, for a three reasons.

It will take you some effort and time to get there, so staying two nights will actually give you a single full day to explore.

It is hard to describe actually being in the place where your grandparents or great grandparents came from. In small villages like these there usually isn't a lot of change in the place.

It looks like there is only one bus going into and out Palombaro daily. Arriving it gets in at 15:20 and leaving it departs at 06:40. Staying only one night would only give you about 4 to 5 hours of daylight.

It appears that you can take the train to Chieti and then the bus to Palombaro. the train that gets you there early enough to catch the bus the same day leaves Naples around 06:30.

Here is a link to the Abruzzo bus company time table.

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8 posts

Ron, thanks so much for the info. There is a night train we were planning on taking out of Pescara to Venice the night after our stay, so we thought that would give us a full day in Palombaro. But I guess the bus schedule would really dictates what we do.

I was trying to search the site you posted but its in Italian and I cannot figure it out... there are like 5 Pescara stations...

I was also thinking instead of going all the way to Pescara and then back south, there is a train stop in Isernia. I wonder if I could take a bus from there. Is there are a bus website in English?

I think we will just need to rent a car... any suggestions on places to rent a car without a 3 day minimum?

Again, thanks for all your help!

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689 posts

Jess, You are going to the same general area we go. You will want to have a car. We always rent one in Rome for 8 days. So I can't help with the 3 day minimum thing. You will enjoy this area - do some studying before you go. It's amazing the multiple histories in Abruzzi.

Enjoy! It is beautiful there!