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How to get there!

Is train best bet to go from Trieste cruise port to Hotel Santa Lucia in Venice. Can we walk with our luggage to hotel from Santa Lucia train station.

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Yes, train is the way to go. Walk is level, about 300 yds. Exiting the station, turn left on the Lista di Spagna (main drag) about 200 yds and turn left on the Calle de la Misercordia. There is a slab in the pavement showing the way "Albergo S. Lucia ^" walk about another 100 yards. Rolling luggage should make it fairly easy.,12.3232318,3a,75y,323.19h,47.42t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sKg_T36icm7mMMhdlanIx8g!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu