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How to get from Vernazza, CT to Siena?

We'll be visiting Vernazza, CT and from there we are going to Siena. I need to find the best way to get from point A to point B. I'm not sure if its better to take the train or the bus. Can any of you give me some recommendations? please?
Thanks in advance

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3313 posts

Definitely train. It will be about a three to four hour trip with changes in Pisa and Empoli. But easy to do and you can buy the tickets once you get there. Have a great trip.

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6898 posts

You have at least two choices. Train all the way or train to Florence and then express bus down to Siena. Either is about 4 hours. The train is slightly less hassle but you will change trains 2-3 times. This is not a problem and quite normal on this type of Italian train voyage. Here's a sample link to a train schedule so that you can get an idea of what it looks like.

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8700 posts


Your plan would be easy to do. To see how, go to and click on "Internat. Guests." Do a timetable search for each route. After you get summary timetables, click on "Details for all" to see where you will need change trains for each route.

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32274 posts

Blanca, my choice for that particular journey would be as Larry suggested, a combination of train and Bus. The route I would choose is Vernazza to La Spezia, then to Florence and then Bus to Siena. I travelled a similar route last Fall, so can speak from experience.

The Bus station is virtually right next door to Firenze S.M.N. station. That particular journey is better by Bus, as if you go by train (aside from having to change one or more times), you will be dropped at the bottom of the hill. You then have to use Taxi or whatever to get to the city. However, if travelling by Bus, you will be dropped close to the centre of town, and close to many of Rick's recommended lodgings.

Hope this helps. Happy travels!!!

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176 posts

Hey Larry or Doug, is it easy to go from Vernazza to Pisa, get off, sightsee, have lunch and then get back on a train and head for Sienna?

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3313 posts

Dean - You can easily get stop in Pisa to have lunch and sightsee. But plan on three hours if you want to walk to the Leaning Tower and back.

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10 posts

Hi Guys,
Thank you so much for your replies. We'll be taking the train.
My concern now is that we have to change trains four times and we only have 10 or 15 minutes between changes. By any chance Do you know what happened if somebody miss any of the train connections? We’ll be able to reuse our tickets on the next train?
