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How to get from Piza to Cinque Terra/Monterosso

We get into Piza at 16:30 and want to go to Monterosso. I'm wondering should we hire a car, take a bus or what? The train doesn't seem to get us there until 21:30 and we would like to enjoy the evening in Monterosso.

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152 posts

Barb, we made this exact same trek in May. The trains are much more frequent than that. There are all sorts of regional train alternatives (if you're looking at a date past June 15th the new schedule may not be posted but it won't change much if at all from the current schedule). It is by far the easiest way to get there. You may need to change trains in La Spezia, but they run quite frequently, and its an easy change. enjoy...5-terre is magical...

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6898 posts

If you are flying into Pisa, there is a train from the airport to the main station (5 minutes). From Pisa, there are about 20 trains a day going up through the CT. If you only see a couple of trains on the site, you are looking too far out. Try a date within the next two weeks and you will see full schedules.

CLICK HERE to see a portion of the afternoon trains from Pisa to Monterosso.

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17 posts

Thanks for the replies. I made it to the tranitalia and found the schedule that will work for us.
Much Thanks