My wife and I will be visiting the Vatican area on a Saturday morning and just have a question in terms of time to plan to see the Sistine Chapel and St.Peter's in order to plan out the rest of our day.
Here is the plan as of now:
1) Get up early and go to the Mercato Trionfale Market for a good breakfast
2) Be at the Vatican right when it opens (9am I believe)--which we will have pre-bought tickets
-In terms of the Vatican our main interest is the Sistine Chapel, so we plan on going directly to the Chapel and skipping all other areas (I still read this is about a 30 minute walk)
3) Head over to St.Peter's---I am not sure how long we should allow to this, but based on what I've been reading an hour is a good estimate?
So for just a "General" time estimate is this assumption about right:
-Arrive at Vatican at 9am---with just seeing the Sistine Chapel, be out there around 10am
-Then see St.Peter's from about 10am-11am and then can plan on being somewhere closer to the Spanish Steps area around noon for lunch?
We are just on a limited time in Rome, so I am trying to plan as much as I can. Please let me know if that timeline seems reasonable. Thanks!