I would like to do a quick trip from Rome to Villa d'Este and was wondering how much time is necessary to see the gardens/villa. Would I be able to allot 4-5 hours including travel time to/from Rome?
INCLUDING travel time from Rome? You do realize that you are in the South of Italy and Lake Como is in the far north. Just spot checking the trains from Rome to Lake Como the travel time ONE WAY was 5 plus hours even with a Eurostar train from Rome. This trip would be better served IMHO if you were in Milan or possibly Venice than Rome
I'm sorry...I should have been more clear. I meant Villa d'ESte in Tivoli (not Lake Como).
I think that is a reasonable amount of time. Some people may want to stay longer just to spend more time in the garden, which really is lovely and a nice break from the city. The town of Tivoli itself doesn't warrant a lengty visit - it's cute but not worth scheduling a lot of time for.
While I've never been to Villa d'Este (Tivoli), based on previous experience with similar sights I'd suggest allowing at least three hours for the visit, plus travel times. You'll probably arrive there about mid-morning and will stop for lunch, so you'll need to allow some time for that.
Of course, if you're really interested in that sort of thing and want to wander around with an Audioguide, you might want to increase the time a bit.
Happy travels!
Allow at least 2 1/2 hours for travel time, and start as early as you can. I probably had three hours at Villa D'Este just looking at the gardens, fountains etc. I don't rush. Enjoy this wonderful place.