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How much time is needed to get from Ferry to Train in Salerno

I am booking a train ticket from Salerno to Rome departing at 11:30, the ferry gets into Salerno at 11:10, is 20 Min. enough time to get to the station?

Unless there a faster boat than Ferry from Positano to Salerno that gets in earlier that 11:10 that anyone knows of, comments on that welcome as well (no private charters, we are on a budget)!!

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67 posts

Never tried it myself, but from what I've read and heard it's a distance you can walk in about 15mins, so you should be fine. That is, as long as the ferry doesn't get in late, you have your train ticket handy and ready to go and you won't be hauling along too much luggage. Make sure you have a plan B! Good luck! :)

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16895 posts

Looking at Google Maps, I would also think you can walk it in that time (3-4 blocks). Or buses also depart from that area.

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1 posts

My wife and I took the 10 AM ferry from Positano to Salerno on April 9, 2015. It took off just about scheduled departure time and docked at 11:20 AM. We had a train scheduled on Italo at 11:50 to ROME which we made with 15 minutes to spare. I think you will be lucky to make a train at 11:30 am although it is conceivably possible

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7 posts

Thank you all for the replies.

cdfev: Ugh, 11:50 would be perfect, for some reason that train changes to 11:32 from June 13th forward, we are taking it on 7/4. Would you mind if I PM'd you about your trip??

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795 posts

since the ferry docks at the end of the dock, I wouldn't dawdle when getting off the boat....there are plenty of places to enjoy nearer to the station, in case you needed a snack.....

but you definitely should be fine......

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7 posts

UPDATE: We made it, but we were hustling!! We had just enough time to get a ticket at the kiosk and walk very swiftly to the platform. Once settled we realized we were on the wrong platform, there are 2 trains with end destination Rome Termini, the ICE and the Italo. Luckily our Italo train was running a bit late, and we had no issues switching platforms to make it on time. Thanks for all the replies!