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how many euro for a slice of pizza?

weird question? i would really like to know how much a delicious slice of pizza is in italy...florence/rome. we are going in three weeks and am curious. for some reason i feel prepared to spend a lot of money in restaurants, but am curious about the little things like pizza. i heard on the radio the other day that the average price for a pannini was around $20. wow. still to excited to care!!!

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11 posts

Well, in the towns around Lake Como last month, the sandwiches and pizzas (big enough for two unless you have a huge appetite) were anywhere from 5 to 8 Euros. And well worth the price.

Deb in NW Arkansas

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390 posts

Um, that must be one fancy sandwich. They're probably the same people that said a cheeseburger in London was $20 and yet I found them WITH chips for £5!

I'd estimate €4-5 for a filling sandwich at a takeaway place. Obviously it will be more if you go to a restaurant, sit-down and order one. A lot of places serve pizza priced by the "etto". You show them how much you want and they cut it off and weigh it. A big slice for lunch is about €3. At many places you can get an entire pizza for €4-6 depending on the toppings. (the pizzas are meant for one person - you won't get a large Pizza Hut sized pizza :)

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42 posts

The answer to your question completely depends on where you are, but overall, we were able to get pizzas (on the street) and/or pannini's for 3 or 4 Euros. In a restaurant, pizzas run around 7 Euros.

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263 posts

Most places will have a menu posted outside.... take a second and check out the prices. That will help you avoid "sticker shock." At the take away stands you can eat well for a few Euro, but in some highly touristy places prices can be a bit higher.
Enjoy your trip.

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11507 posts

You guys all did well, we consistantly found pizzas( at sit down cafe type places in Rome and Venice) for about 10-12 euros. True they are big enough to share( think huge dinner plate size) but frankly we did not think Pizza in Italy was that good,, we are topping people not crust people,, but, if you are a crust person you will love Italy. Different tastes.

I am sure we could have found better prices ,, we were always in tourist centers and too tired to walk out of them( plus it was always like 100 degrees and we were so hot) ,, I do suggest you search far from any tourist site to eat.. in any big city , not just in Italy.

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582 posts

The best pizza I ever had in my life was in Rome, Argentina Square. This was a very local place and no one spoke English. The local places have the best food and prices. I paid only 2 euros for a slice. But this was 2005. I wish I could remember the name of the place, but I'll smell it out when I'm there next time I'm in Rome! Argentina Square is not talked about much, and I loved it there!

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705 posts

I lived on 2Euro a slice pizza in Venice last year. This was a slice in a bag bought at at a window from a little cafe or bar. They were reasonable sized slices and, with a gelato, was my lunch.