We have reservations for the Uffizi at 8:15. Can anyone recommend a good route to get there from Via Del Giglio? Also, would there be any cafes open along the way? How much time should we plan for a nice walk to the museum?
You are approximately 1.0km or 10-15 minutes away from the Uffizi. Maybe a bit more if you are at the far end of Via del Giglio. Below are two links to show you two different suggested walking routes. http://gyazo.com/f0f557b0fadc63729374425193a682e2 http://gyazo.com/78e8f53b9751377e2dbc58d889284f9f I'm unable to tell you where to find cafes along these routes but I'm sure that you can get a capuccino and a pastry most anywhere along the way.
There are plenty of cafes/bars in that general area where you will be walking.