Considering changing a few days of our trip next July to spend a little time in Turin because we've wanted to see the architecture there and thought it may be less crowded than Florence with the jubilee, is that likely? Would fit in best towards to end of our trip before flying out of Milan, but would need to go there from Lucca by train. How feasible would that be in reality? Google says about 4-5 hours, but the reality is often not as simple, so thought to ask more experienced travelers for input on whether this is actually doable or if we should skip it this time. Please advise, grazie.
Sure it’s doable
Use the Trenitalia site
Looks like a regional train to Florence then a fast train to Turin-pretty simple
Station names
Firenze SM Novella
Google travel times are more or less correct and Turin will get you closer to Milan.
Ok thanks, that's settled then. How about thinking Turin may have less crowding - do we think that's likely?
We spent a week in Turin last month and it was not at all crowded. It is a fabulous city with great museums, piazzas, food and welcoming locals.
Turin isn't on the international-traveler circuit. Florence seems to be packed almost all year round. (Also, it has some of Italy's hottest summer temperatures.)
Turin is definitely less crowded. Make sure to make a tour of the gorgeous cafes !
Will do, and we want to see La Venaria Reale and other castles if time allows. The main draw for us is food and architecture wherever we go! Also considering hiring a private driver instead of the train from Lucca if not insanely expensive, that way we can see some stuff along the way and have a more relaxed travel day.
It’s about a 4 hour drive
I would expect a driver to be well over thousand euros
Driver would have to get back to Lucca area so you’ll pay for round trip
You can check here for an estimate