I know that it's recommended that you arrive at US airports at least 2 hrs before your flight leaves...How early should I be at florene's airport before my flight home leaves?
At least two hours (maybe more). For the definitive answer, check with your airline.
I have flown back from Florence airport twice. It's airport is small. Your flight home will probably connect in another European country first, making your initial flight a domestic one, so arriving at least 1 1/2 hrs is ok.
FYI: Staff at FLR do not work for the airlines. They work for the airport. My flight was delayed and I missed my connecting flight at FRA. Gate agent couldn't help me. Lufthansa, which I flew, has personnel at the airport but they are located before security. I didn't have a cell phone to contact Lufthansa to change my flight. I had to go back out of security, fix my flight plans, then go back through security again.
Amerigo Vespucci airport in Florence is small. There shouldn't be long lines. If you are on Lufthansa, you will probably be flown back to Frankfurt or other large departure city as Lufthansa doesn't fly to the U.S. from Florence. Also, I believe that most ground staff working the Italy airports are Alitalia employees of some sort. They do take care of all luggage and flights coming into the airports. They just happen to work for Alitalia.