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how do you carry your money

What do you recommend to use to carry your money in for men/boys.

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8700 posts

I use a moneybelt for plane and train tickets and large amounts of cash. I use a neck wallet for my passport, driver license, ATM cards, credit cards, and any cash I might spend during the day that I don't want to risk having in my pocket.

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320 posts

On our three European trips my wife and I prefer the neck wallets. They are just so easy to use. In the summer they can get a tad sweaty - but I easily washed them up and they were dry before morning.

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547 posts

I use a moneybelt for credit/ATM cards and most of my cash--but keep a little cash in my pocket so I don't have to go digging for euros everytime I want to spend money.

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104 posts

My Husband just moves his wallet to his front pocket and keeps his hand there- he carrys a thin wallet so it's not so obvious.

I (female) find I keep track of a bag everyday at home and find the other items awkward and obvious.

We do not carry our passports with us at all times only copies and the money for the day and never had a problem ever.

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2030 posts

I have used a money belt for the first 3 or 4 trips abroad, but lately I am liking the neck pouch better. The belt does get a bit sweaty -- but of course I washed it. But the neck one was easy to deal with. I always carry my passport and plane tickets at all times, I don't leave them in a hotel -- though I did leave them when I rented an apartment.
I also put major amounts of money in the pouch, and carry a small wallet in my purse with the day's spending money.

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10 posts

My Dad carries his passport/CC in his money belt. Keeping it thin... He likes his billfold in the front pocket, or if he has his cargo pants on, the ones with the pockets in the leg, he puts it in there. The buttons are secure and it would be harder for a pickpocket to reach it there. It is very thin so it doesn't bother him.
Personally, I take two money belts so that I can wash one out and wear the other one. I put eveything in a plastic sleeve so I can easily tranfer item from one to the other.