Hi, I posted last week about Stresa and Cannero (big thanks to those who replied) , and I realise now that it's Cannobio not Cannero that's the place I'm trying to suss. Looking for direct comparisons please between Ascona (Swiss end of lake) and Cannobio or Stresa.
We stayed in Ascona 2 years ago and loved its colour, size, feel, choice of eateries, general setting and grass/sand beach.
Now seeking exactly that, but in the Italian (cheaper!) section of the lake. Stresa seems popular (but is it WAY more crowded in June than non-jazz-fest Ascona?) and Cannobio looks ideal but I worry it's too small for 7-10 days. When i read about tempting Baveno too, people often say you might as well be in Stresa for eaterie choice etc. Thoughts welcome.
Really grateful for detailed insight. Coming by train from London/Paris, i can see that Stresa is much more connected, but would consider a taxi from Domodossola or similar if needs be, to get to Cannobio if that's where we end up. We took one before from Locarno to Ascona and it was reasonable, although it is a shorter distance!
Thanks Maggiore travellers!