Correct: there are many paths, and many of the them will take effort if unused to vertical hiking. No idea which one your daughter is referirng to or how long ago she did it. If it's the popular, very busy "Blue Path", one segment of its four has been closed to landslide for years, and one other recently re-opened piece may only be accessible with a tour this year: not sure. In any case you do need sturdy shoes with a good tread, and paths can close in wet weather or for unexpected damage. Open segments of the Blue Path also require a park pass to access.
How I can make that experience a positive one ??
It's a state of mind. If determined to have a good time, then go do whatever it is that gives you pleasure. If you don't like where you are, wander somewhere else or go do something else. It's the same with any other destination. We went because we do like hiking as well as history, old churches, eye candy for the camera, etc. Glad we did it; don't necessarily feel a need to go back. I would NOT do it as a day trip from Florence that will put you squarely in the middle of the day-tripping mob. The best hours (for us) were before that mob arrived in the morning and after they left in late afternoon and early evening. We spent some of the busiest hours exploring on foot further above the villages.