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How bad is Florence in August?

I’ve been invited to visit Florence Italy towards the last 2 weeks in August. I've heard it's crowded and hot, but how bad is it really to go that time? It will be a chance of a lifetime for me, I only need to buy my airfare...Any suggestions?...

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3551 posts

I have always had my trips to Florence in August and while I would prefer another time of yr, I would never miss a chance. If you plan ahead you will be fine. have your lodging with air cond. and get your tickets for Uffizi ahead and any train/air reserv.
Do not miss a chance. It is not unbearable just crowded. hope this helps.

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11 posts

Thank you!...a positive response to start with is great!

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800 posts

Mary-we are looking forward to being empty nesters so we can travel off season. As it is we have been to Europe every year for the past 10 years or so with our kids, always during the summer. We've been to Italy twice now, once in late June, once in late July. Both times it was very hot. BUT - there is no way I'd not go to Italy whenever it was offered to me. As you said, it is the chance of a lifetime. Also, you are an Angelino (as I used to be) so you shouldn't find it too bad, both in terms of crowds and heat.

The only thing I'm bad about is that I really do like it to be cool in order to sleep so I almost always book rooms in a city that have a/c. Out in the countryside it is not too bad, indeed we had no a/c in Tuscany this summer with daytime temps at 100. Our room stayed cool however and the nighttime temps were very pleasant.

Go to Florence, hot weather or not - it's Italy!

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23542 posts

BAD is always a relative term. Do it but just be prepared for long lines, lots of people, and heat. If I had the choice I would much rather spend the last two weeks of August in Florence than LA ! Anytime in Florence is probably better than anytime in LA.

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466 posts

I was in florence from Aug. 21 to September 3rd and it was hot!!! Of course I live in Miami and it was not as hot and humid as it is here but It was still a bit uncomfortable walking around. But if its the only opportunity you have, by all means GO!!!!!

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515 posts

What a great invitation, Mary! Sure, it will be crowded and hot, but who cares? Don't even think of packing travel knits; they will stick to you in that heat. Have a wonderful time. Ciao!

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180 posts

My wife and I spent a few days in Florence in August 2007. Yes, it was warm but we didn't find it overly crowded and we got to see the full range...

We arrived into Florence on an overnight train from Nice at about 6:00 am. We then made our way to the Duomo piazza. It was 100% empty at 7:00 am and simply beautiful. By 9:30 am it was packed, but not ridiculous. In the evening, the crowds just made it fun. The key is to book in advance for sights where possible and line up to get into to see the Statue of David at 8:00 am.

Personally, I would jump at going back to Florence in August.


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1589 posts

Go. If you like it in August, you'll go back another time in early April or late October. Have fun!