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hotest time of day Venice/Verona?

No, I realize Italy is not another planet with totally different temperature patterns than ours, but I know, for example, that in the midwest, things seem to start to cool down between 15-16:00, whereas here is the west, the days can heat up easily until 17:00. What is the hottest time of day in the Veneto and Lombardy region at the very end of August? Are all trains (regionale too) air conditioned? Given that it was 98f with 90% humidity a couple of days ago near Verona, I've decided that perhaps the best time to travel is at the hottest time.
Any advice?

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1201 posts

Here is a link for Verona with an hour by hour forecast.|IT|IT020|VERONA&metric=0

Here is the same for Venice:|IT|IT020|VENEZIA&metric=0

Advice? Tracy sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Lighten up, loosen up, try not to over plan every minute. Remember it's a vacation.

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64 posts

That's true, but when your rental car company charges you 20E to make any changes, and if you are 61 minutes past your pick up time they will charge you their overpriced rate for another 24 hour day, it helps to have a pretty good idea of what time you are going to be where.

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2207 posts

I take friends and family around Italy when they visit. There's a reason businesses are shut down from 1 - 4 PM. It's just too darn hot! But frankly, after 10 AM here in Rome the heat moves in and can become very stifling in the summertime. It does not cool down until the sun starts to set, although the "search for shaded routes" is easier later in the day - say after 6 PM!

Regionale trains are hit and miss. On smaller runs, forget it - there's no air. Most of those runs have the older trains! I've been on the IC Plus into/out of Verona and it was quite comfortable.

As far as traveling during the hottest part of the day, we don't have a car so we DO NOT do that as AC would be a requirement. More often we're at an inside location with AC from 1-4 PM.

I've never used a rental car company here that charged for "changes," OUCH! But yes, if you're late, it is an extra day... so play it safe and ensure you're "close" to your drop-off point on your last day. I've never had to pay a LATE fee when dropping off a car in Italy!

Tracey, it will be hot - prepare by what you wear, carry small water bottles you can refill, eat lots of gelato :) , and just enjoy being in Italy - we do!!


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209 posts

The regionale trains without the A/C are still very nice and comfortable, when the train is moving and the window is slightly open.

Then the hottest part of the day is when the train is not moving :)

Posted by
64 posts

Got it. Thanks, and Ron, as far as gelato is concerned, believe me, I will make sure to celebrate the article in our Denver paper touting the atvantages of gelato over ice cream, noting especially that is is LESS FATTENING, by eating at least 1 a day. Besides, I think I will make it my personal quest to find the best gelato in each of the three towns that we will be visiting!

Nevertheless, I do hope your heatwave will break soon. It is abnormally hot for this time of year, isn't it? I have planned for low 90sF, but not high. And as far as the water bottle goes, well, ever since I was pregnant 9 years ago, I have learned to take it everywhere, always. I even carry a purse that can hold my bottle. (Don't worry. I have no intentions of carrying a purse in Italy. My usual sidekick even here at home is a daypack.)
Cheers and Salute!,