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hotels with shuttles from the airport

Has anyone stayed at the Best Western Canada in Rome? We need a hotel for the night we arrive in Rome, before boarding a cruise ship the next day. We need one with a shuttle from the airport. We plan on taking the train to the port the next day from the hotel. The Best Western advertises a shuttle, and looks good in photos. But who knows.......

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7209 posts

You can take the Leonardo Express Train all the way from FCO Airport to Roma Termini. From there you can either walk or catch a taxi.

Personally I've never heard of hotel in Rome's Historic Center which has a dedicated airport shuttle service. Most hotels will arrange a shuttle for you if you ask, but it will be a 3rd party shuttle company...not a shuttle owned by the hotel.

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8293 posts

A taxi would probably be a lot less expensive that a hotel's shuttle service.

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1829 posts

This company gets good reviews on Tripadvisor. Five euro more than the fixed rate taxi fare but for that you are met at arrivals and helped with your luggage etc. No negotiations with taxi drivers necessary.

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1170 posts

A lot of hotels tout a free "shuttle service" to and from the airport, but the shuttles don't always run on a regular basis, so you might end up taking a taxi anyway. If it does run regularly, it is still going to be a long wait for it to arrive to pick you up. I would take a taxi instead. It is a 40 Euro flat rate from the airport to the city center, no more, no less (plus tip).

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3 posts

Apparently the Best Western Canada doesn't have a shuttle anymore. So we are going to stay at Hotel Sonya, and take the train from the airport, walking to the hotel to get out into the sunshine and readjust our internal clocks. We can then walk to the train station the next day to go to the port. Thanks for all your suggestions.