Any recommendations for these Sicilian towns? We will be three 60 year old females traveling together looking for accommodations in Cefalu with a view of the sea, nice, clean and hopefully walking distance to town. In Palermo, maybe more central, safe location, also within walking distance of
the major sites. Thanks RS people!
I stayed at La Gira - would definitely recommend it. Be sure to go up on the roof for the views. In Palermo I stayed in The Posta hotel near the main post office,
Great location......
donna, In Palermo you might have a look at Hotel Tonic. It's in a good location (close to Teatro Politeama), and the rooms are very comfortable (and more importantly, the A/C works well!). In Cefalu, have a look at Hotel La Giara (very comfortable rooms, elevator and close to the beach). Happy travels!
Thank you both very much! I'm looking for rooms now mid-late September, and surprised that so much is booked!
Unless the Hotel Tonic has improved, I would not recommend staying there. Although it is in a convenient location, the room we had was in desparate need of upgrades and cleaning. In fact, it's the only RS recommended hotel that we have found lacking basic cleanliness. Hopefully, this situation
has been rectified.
Thank you. Rethinking this trip!!
@Mimi, I stayed at Hotel Tonic last September and I had no complaints at all. It's an older property so not fancy, but I found the room to be clean and comfortable. The Wi-Fi worked great as did the A/C in the room. Cheers!
Good news, Ken b/c I know two other people who had similar experiences -
obviously, some complaining got them to spruce up the place!
Heartfelt thanks to all of you!!! Still working on this trip!!! Thanks so very much everyone!