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Hotels or bandb in San Gimignano

Can anyone recommend a good place to stay for one
night in San Gimignano. We will have a rental car. Thanks.

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166 posts

Hi Joanne,
My family stayed at the Hotel Cisterna in 2006 and loved it. We had ground floor rooms with balconies that looked out over the surrounding countryside. I would stay there again in a hearbeat! One of the city's main gathering spots is just outside the front door (piazza della cisterna) and the gelato place nearby had the best gelato ever! Keep in mind that I was there before cities had ZTL's with cameras. We were able to drive up to the door and unload our bags. I doubt you would want to do that now. Be sure to read posts about where NOT to drive and even if the hotel says you can drive up to unload, I would get some sort of assurance or something in writing from them about it since many people have gotten tickets by mail up to 3 years after their visit from other cities (not sure if San Gimi has ZTL's but I wouldn't be surprised). Have a wonderful trip! Lisa