You don't indicate what time you will be arriving, or what price room you would prefer. Those would be important factors. I assume you are arriving at Malpensa Airport.
But you do say you want to travel "as little as possible", so:
1. There is a Sheraton Malpensa, connected to the airport itself. No travel at all, just walk over, but quite a bit pricier.
2. I spent a fine night at the First Hotel Malpensa before an early morning flight last fall. They have a free shuttle bus, which involves a drive of 5 to 10 minutes. About half the price of the Sheraton.
If you stay at or right near the airport, you can sleep, clean up and change your clothes before you begin the fun part of your trip.
By the way, your 24 hours of travel sounds pretty good to me. In a couple weeks I start out with 4 flights over 32 hours plus, from the US west coast to Palermo, not really looking forward to that.
Buon Viaggio!