Looking for hotel near Naples International Airport with 2 beds that has shuttle service in the early morning hours
Try booking.com and select 'airport shuttle' filter. A 1000+ results appear.
Most likely the shuttle will be an additional fee, so just finding a suitable place and taking a taxi may be as simple and efficient.
Looking for specific hotels in the area that offer services
There probably aren’t many if any
You can stay right in Naples and take a taxi, it’s a short ride and fixed rate-I think it’s at 22 or 24 euros now
If you happen to find a shuttle from hotel it will not be free
For a hotel in Naples -start you search at Booking .com
Thank you for your help. Sounds like finding a nice hotel and taking a taxi is my best bet!
Hotels near airports with shuttle are not that common as it is in the US. What time is your flight? Take a taxi.