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Hotel suggestions for Rome and one night in Naples

We are looking for a centrally located and reasonably priced place to stay in Rome for three nights in October, and then a place for one night in Naples since we are flying out from Naples very early in the morning. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Terry in NY

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893 posts

Terry, what do you consider reasonable and how many people/rooms are you looking for? First thing I usually do in looking for hotels in Italy is check out the RS book, find reviews on Venere & TripAdvisor, and then directly email the hotels I am interested in. Ask for their rates & if they will give you a discount for having the RS book or if they give a discount for payment in cash. In my experience, they often give a better rate from a direct email inquiry than the rates quoted on their website.

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106 posts

Hi Mimi,
Thanks for your suggestions. I have been emailing directly w/ the hotels and some of them have quoted better rates than their website. I am all set now with Rome, just trying to find one in Naples for our final day/ night.

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261 posts

We stayed in a Novatel in Caserta, north of Naples. They had an internet special of 80E a night. BUT, Caserta is not on the tourist track, and might be considered sort of industrial. Not exactly picturesque.

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893 posts


We are taking a RS Best of South Italy in Sept. The tour starts at Casa San Giuseppe in Trastevere. I got a great rate at the Nerva Hotel for 3 prior nights. I love walking by the coliseum at night.

Our tour ends in Naples at the Hotel Chiaia Other than that I don't know any hotels in Naples.

What hotel did you decide on for Rome? Have a great trip!