The hotel I've booked in Florence said they need a formal letter from my granddaughter's parents saying that they give her permission to be staying there with me. They also need a copy of her parents' passports. I can appreciate the concern that some might have in this day and time to make sure that my 17 year old granddaughter is not being taken somewhere against her's or her parents' will, but is it unusual for me to have to give them a copy of the parents' passports? Showing a copy to them maybe, but my daughter doesn't feel comfortable with them "having" the copies. Is this the norm? We are staying in two other hotels while in Europe as well. Will this be something they expect also? This one hotel is the only one I've noticed with that actually in the fine print of the confirmation.
Thanks for any insight.
I have never seen anything like that in Florence or anywhere else in Europe. We have had other people's children travel with us but children no longer are on their parents' passports but have their own passports. We have had the situation where we needed both parents' signatures on a notarized affidavit- nothing odd there. Generally a hotel will take all passports to show to the local police and give them a copy of the affidavit. Usually the affidavit must be shown to even get on a plane and to pass through upon arrival with someone else's child. Keep in mind that if the parents were there, their passports would be photocopied and turned into police anyway. You might want to cancel that booking. What is the hotel you booked at?
Thanks for your response. We're staying at the Bigallo Hotel, a small B&B catty corner from the Duomo.
I have stayed at that hotel, it's very nice. The manager speaks very good English if you think a phone call could clear up the question.
There is no reason for concern about providing copies of a passport, so I don't see why it is an issue. Even in the wrong hands, a passport copy is of no use and can't be used to steal identities or such.
I agree that there's no danger in providing copies of passports. This is how we advise travelers on our family tours, as well as independent travelers with minor children:
Q: If I am a single parent or a grandparent, will I need to bring special documents?
A: Yes! In addition to his or her passport, any child under age 18 who is not accompanied by both parents must bring a notarized letter, signed by both parents, allowing the child to be taken out of the US and also allowing the adult traveling with the child to seek any necessary medical care. The letter should include the child's legal name and date of birth as shown on his or her passport, plus dates and countries of travel. For details, call the US State Department at 888-407-4747.
The hotel will make copies of all or your passports so I'm not sure why giving copies of your daughters and her husbands passports is such an issue. I'm sure it's just a legal requirement. If you're not sure about this you should call the hotel and speak to the manager.
I don't understand the need for the parents' passports. The letter from them should do it! It's mandatory in hotels in
Italy and probably most of Europe to make copies of passports upon check in, probably an anti-terrorism thing.
I took my 10 year old Granddaughter to Paris last year and we had NO problems. I had a letter with me from her
parents indicating that I had their permission, but no one even asked for it, including airport security and the Gate
Agent when we checked bags. I'm planning on taking her to Italy next, so PLEASE post an update! I need to know
if this is an "Italy" thing! Thanks!
It may have to do with the heightened security measures going on throughout the country. I would call to ask. If they insist and you're not comfortable then find another hotel. I wouldn't show up without it because they could deny you the reservation.