Looking for lodging in the Trastevere area for 4 nights in Sept. 2022. This will be our first visit. Would prefer Airbnb but want/need to guarantee full refund due to current global situation so I think hotel would be a better decision? Any recommendations would be appreciated. Interested in breakfast included and close to public transport. Thank you!
HI mrncrn...Was with my best friend....loved Donna Camillia Savelli...in Trastevere...Large rooms, gorgeous gardens, wonderful, full breakfasts, inside or out...located in a baroque monastery...so elegant,with a beautiful chapel...I loved the bathrooms, the beds, the views...just a thought..yes, we walked just out the door, down the street, a couple minutes, in the heart of Trastevere, to transportation.
I found a lovely Airbnb apartment for early May in the Trastevere for 4 nights, and it is fully refundable until up to one week before my stay. You might have a look and be surprised what you find.
Linda, so happy to hear what you said about the Donna Camellia Savelli hotel. We're staying there in May. I really look forward to it.
Love Donna Camilla Savelli and also the restaurant Da Fabrizio just down the street.