You're making some smart choices: you're not driving or doing museums on your (jetlagged, exhausted) arrival day. Instead, you'll make good use of what's left of that day by pressing on to your actual destination. You're putting your days in Rome at the end of your trip (because you have to spend your last night there anyway since you fly out from there). You're not doing a string of one-night stands. All good. Overall, not a bad pace, but a couple of items I'd suggest...
You're counting the same day twice in many cases: April 21 is listed as part of "Florence to Venice", then it's also listed as part of "Venice to Tuscany." You list other days the same way (that is, you may be "crediting" that day to two different places). That doesn't seem realistic, in fact, because it looks like those are days you will travel from one place to another, you should probably not "count" it as a usable day in either (the day is mostly consumed just by relocation and travel logistics). Fortunately you are not slicing your days way too thin (a common mistake) so this is mostly just a suggestion to be careful in how you allocate your time (just remember that internal travel days will eat up most of those days, leaving you with little usable time on those days).
Remember that "X nights" anyplace gives you X-1 days actually there. So your 2 nights in venice gives you just one day there. Venice is unique and IMHO worth more than one day - even in a fast-paced trip, I'd give it a minimum of 2 full days, maybe 3 (and I was cynical about Venice before going there; it charmed me).
Most folks advise against doing CT as a day trip. Because everyone does it as a day trip, and you see it at its worst - terribly crowded. Better to arrive mid-afternoon, spend the night there (when the crowds clear out), enjoy the evening and next morning, then get outta Dodge by late morning when the crowds swell.
Can't help you with your question about public transport on Labor Day; I'd imagine that some things would close that day but basic public transport to the airport would be business as usual.
Good luck and congrats on the nuptials.