We have 16 days. We initially were thinking about road tripping. However, after reading it appears that we should drive only while in Italy. We are thinking about starting in Venice, through Tuscany, up to the Lakes. Then to France where I want to rent him a fancy car for a day in Saint Tropez, then on to Barcelona.
We are really open for a beautiful experiences exploring, areas of tourism for sure, but we really enjoy the roads less traveled. Any direction or advice would be great. It’s his 1st real, non-work European trip. I have backpacked, though that was over a decade go. A world before iPhones. Thanks for your help!
Must it be St-Tropez? It's not all that hard to get there, but you've named one of the few towns on the Riviera that doesn't have a train station! You'd have to take a train to Saint-Raphael and either switch to a bus or ferry (time-consuming) or take a 24-mile taxi ride ($$$-consuming).
Covering as much as you want to in Italy, then traveling all along/near the southeastern coast of France and to Barcelona, then seeing Barcelona itself sounds like more than a 16-day trip to me. It would be more practical to fly from Milan to Barcelona and do your fancy-car jaunt in either Italy or Spain. There's so much to see in the part of France you'd be whizzing past (presumably on a train), but you wouldn't have time to stop and see it.
What help are you looking for? There are endless ways to spend your 16 days. We spent all of our 14 days on our honeymoon in Italy and barely scratched the surface. All of it depends on what you personally want to see and do. As to the need of a car, it just depends on where you’ll be. You definitely don’t need one in the cities of Italy.
So, Nichole you plan on giving your husband a special treat at Saint-Tropez. You are truly an elegant, sophisticated, beautiful lady. Do not let anyone deprive you of this romantic gesture.
Regards Ron
We are really open to stopping anywhere and taking cars, trains and ferries throughout the trip. I guess any suggestions or ideas would be helpful. We are way behind in planning. What are your must sees long the way? Favorite food recommendations, would be appreciated. We are definitely not “touristy” travelers. We really enjoy the journey as much as our destinations. We are also open to changing the plan. We just have to be in Venice on May 14th.