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Honeymoon - Broken Camera - Help Please!!


We are only a few days into our honeymoon and last night, I dropped our digital camera and its now totally broken. We are in Vernazza headed for the Montepulciano tomorrow. We are picking our car up in La Spezia tomorrow morning (of course it will be Monday and the shops in La Spezia do not open unti 4:00 PM). Can anyone recommend a place in Pisa, Sienna or anywhere else on our drive, where I might be able to purchase a new camera? Do you think there is a place in Monterosso? I know the town is a bit more toursity then Vernazza.

You all have been so helpful in planning this trip. Im hoping someone might be able to help me once again.

Thank you in advance!!! - Liz

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32318 posts

Liz, first of all, congratulations!

Under the circumstances, I'd suggest finding a "touristy" store, T.I. or whatever, and picking up a couple of disposable Cameras. That will allow you to continue capturing memories of your honeymoon, until such time as you can get to a larger city that has a Camera store.

You shouldn't have any problems finding Camera stores in the larger cities (where else are you travelling besides Pisa and Siena?). I'm never really looking for them, but seem to encounter Camera shops on a regular basis. You should be able to find something in Pisa or Siena (ask your Hotel as I'm sure they'll know where the stores are located).

Try to find a shop that stocks the same type of Camera as your previous model. That way you'll be able to use your existing memory cards, etc. However, keep in mind that you probably won't get a warranty with it. For "future reference", you might consider always travelling with a "backup" Camera.

Good luck! Hope you have a fantastic time in Italy!

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264 posts


There was a Trony in Poggibonsi Nord. I did not go in but my wife said it was like an Italian Circuit city. The website indicates they sell digital cameras.

You should be able to get off the Autostrada Firenze-Siena at Poggibonsi Nord and follow the roads towards Certaldo (West). When you get to SR429 that is where the Trony is (about 3-5 minutes).