I'm thrilled but didn't realize we will be in Italy Holy Week and Easter, what can we expect during this time? Tues and Wed, Rome..Orvieto, Thurs and Good Friday..Siena, Sat and Easter Sunday..Cinque Terre Mon and Tues. I'm unable to find any specific details for Orvieto and Siena, I do know that Mon is liberation day also. Thanks Jo
I did essentially the same route last year one day earlier. Rome was busy of course, we stayed in Rome for the Holy Thursday service (put in for tickets if you want to go) and went to Orvieto that afternoon. I don't recall any specific activities in Orvieto Friday or Saturday. We left for Assisi Sunday morning. Trains were fairly full all weekend but it was fine
I'm finding that Sicily does more of the Good Friday religious processions with the passion of Jesus.
I did some digging and Bagnoregio, near Orvieto has a historial recalling of the passion. They say its very impressive and suggetive costumed procession with carriage of the 4th c crucifix from the Duomo of Civita to the cathedral of Bagnoregio. The town is lit by the torches and candles of the faithful. How cool...just what I was hoping for.
We enjoyed a moving candlelit processional through the streets of Riomaggiore this past Good Friday. The restaurants were serving a traditional Easter meal featuring roast lamb. Easter Sunday was busy in each of the 5 CT towns but it was still awesome! We planned our time in Rome so that we would be gone a week before the Easter crowds started arriving.