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Hints Wanted for Cooking/Food Shopping in Rome

Hi all! I am finally living the dream and getting to spend 90 days in Europe ...yay!! I have been twice before but never for so long and was wondering what tips and suggestions you can give me for just day-to-day living. We will be in Rome for 60 days and Lisbon for around 30. Any stories and ideas for food shopping, easy recipes and cooking "family style"? For example, do you find it helpful to do a big shopping trip once a week or so or do you shop everyday for the freshest choices? Do you find it easy to make "american recipes"? I'm a foodie so meals are definately my biggest concern :-) Anything you have to offer would be much appreciated!

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7737 posts

Lucky you! I assume you'll be renting apartments, so do be sure to consider the kitchen. Some Roman apartments are tiny tiny. You might consider moving around a few times during your 60 days in Rome so you can experience different neighborhoods with their different markets and in case your first location ends up being not what you had hoped for. As for neighborhoods beyond the usual suspects (Campo de' Fiori, Navona/Pantheon, Trastevere) I'm seeing some interesting things about the San Lorenzo neighborhood in Rome. It's to the NE of the Termini and is the University district. Also, consider Testaccio. Have a wonderful time!

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494 posts

Go with what's in season and local for the best. I tend to shop on a daily basis in Venice especially when our apartment has one of those small under the counter refrigerators. I cook without recipes here at home and while traveling. I do love watching cooking shows to get ideas. I also would try new/strange stuff at least once. Also, there are shops/food truck in the open market where you can buy ready made food, cooked that day like lasagna, roasted chicken....... Have fun!!!

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571 posts

I'm surprised this question has been up for a day and not one person had yet replied with the words "Schengen Visa."
Usually this is the first response one gets on these boards. You don't plan to spend more than precisely 90 days in Italy and Portugal, do you?

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712 posts

@Matt - thanks for the heads up. I guess no one replied that because since I was so specific and said 90 days (versus for example, saying 3 months which may be more than 90 days) they figured I knew that.
I'm actually surprised that with so many experts out there Im not getting more advice :-(

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7737 posts

You might get more results by editing the title of the posting to something like "Hints Wanted for Cooking in Rome" Good luck.

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252 posts

Monique, the answer is all of the above. Larger supermarkets are great for buying your staples...sliced bread, butter, eggs, condiments, drinks, etc. It's also fun to compare them to the US, I was shocked to see an ENTIRE aisle devoted to nothing but Nutella, I got some strange looks when I took that photograph. There will probably be a local market near your apt where you can buy your proteins, veggies, etc fresh when you need them. Best of all, try to find where and when the open markets are. You will find plenty of produce, fruit, cheese and meats to pick and choose from. It may take a couple weeks to get into a shopping/cooking groove, but that's half the fun. As for recipes, keep in mind that you will not have a fully stocked kitchen. Easy recipes at home become a hassle when you have to purchase every single ingredient and spice that is readily available in your own kitchen. The good news is, when you have fresh ingredients, all you really need is salt and pepper.