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Hiking Mt. it safe without a guide?

Has anyone hiked Mt. Etna without a guide? From what I've read you can't go up quite as high without one. My husband is pretty adventurous and thinks we should skip the tour but I'm slightly more cautious when it comes to molten lava :) He's an amateur photographer and is more interested in getting the best shots than actually knowing what it is he's taking a picture of so a guided tour about the geology of it all may be too much information for us. I was wondering if anyone knew if it was worth it to pay the big bucks for a tour or if it's permitted and safe for us to do it on our own.

Thanks :)

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15768 posts

James - LOL

I'm sure Mandi means the hardened lava flows. Having hiked a couple in the US, I know that some kinds of lava can be extremely sharp to the point of shredding sneaker soles.

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41 posts

James - I think my husband would actually be thrilled if it erupted. Think of the great pictures he'd be able to take! Me, not so much lol.

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93 posts

Etna's been erupting pretty much since last Summer. I've got some pictures (from Taormina and near Allume) where you can just make out the lava flows at night, as well as some where you can see ash clouds during the day.

I hope that next summer we can return (can't make it this summer) - and I would like to go up on Etna.

As far as guides- I think that I would take one of the tour buses up- rather pricey, but the bus is made for the job (I'm not sure if you can take a car up Etna- I don't think so). I think that a guide is included.