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G'day: By June, 2012 we should have reached the Italian frontier east of Chambery & Grenoble on our 8-month trek to Athens. Our itinerary for the pre-Italian portion of the trip is reasonably clear. But we should appreciate previous trekkers' counsel on alternative routings across Italy towards TRIESTE. Any positive or negative experiences re: hiking routes, camping/hostel/hotel accommodations, etc. will be welcomed. As Blues' singer Big Momma Thorton sang (describing her middle-aged years), "Honey, I'm built for comfort not for speed." Well... maybe she was describing something other than her age, but for us: we're looking for the road less traveled with the time to interact and appreciate people as well as sights. Your input is solicited.
- Chaplain Matthew

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32386 posts

Matthew, You might want to also post this question on the Lonely Planet Thorn Tree message board. You're more likely to find someone there that has hiked the route you're considering. It's probably safe to say that most here on the RS board are used to more "comfortable" modes of travel (ie: NOT via extended hikes). Cheers!

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5 posts

Thanks for your reply. Not sure if your question is administrative or if you have potential advice. And "yes", I know our pilgrimage trek is beyond what most posters do.... BUT: I posted twice because there may be some folks who know Italy and wouldn't look under eastern europe and there might be some people who know eastern europe and wouldn't look at italy. This way, we have the chance of knowledgeable people in both tranches of our proposed journey. If you have counsel for either/both tranche(s), please consider posting same.
Blessings, Chaplain Matthew