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Hiking Dante's Way

I am wondering if anyone has experience hiking Dante's Way (Le Vie di Dante), a loop between Florence and Ravenna of about 250 km. If so, I would love to hear about your experience.

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470 posts

Oh my, never heard of Le Vie Di Dante, so half-expected the see people sharing experiences passing through the 9 circles of Inferno (or 9 spheres del Paradiso)...

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5470 posts

I think we might be in it now, PerilsofP.

I have not done the path, but there's lots of good info online--looks wonderful!

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3812 posts

I'm sure that:

  • Dante would angrily disagree about a route in his name going back to Florence (as generations of Italian students can confirm, like many other grumpy guys from Florence, Father Dante wasn't exactly known for letting things go)
  • Rebecca has already found the, Italian only, official site and the Facebook page
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573 posts

There is even this webpage: . This webpage has been done by the Regions Emnilia-Romagna and Tuscany, the previous one given by Dario by a group of professionals who created the route some years ago.

I haven't done this route, so I cannot give direct suggestions, but some colleagues (are "GAE", means guides specialized and authorized to lead group on hikes) do it. What I can say is to be trained, because Apennines are sometimes difficult even if not very high and steep. The main problem is the lack of public fountains along the route, so bring with you some liters every day. If you don't have water sometimes you need detours to villages, who means often do some kilometer down and then go up again. In fact some of this routes follow ancient medieval one, whom were along the crest while villages are downhill.
In general there are several woods, but on crest and near higher passes you walk in completely bare areas (meadows, moors, ravines...). If you do the route in summer could be very warm. In Autumn and winter very muddy! (remember Emilia-Romagna is famous for clay...)
In northern Apennines there are some wolves, but a little amount and usually scared by humans. There aren't other dangerous animals (bears, pumas...) so you are safe without nothing to be worried about. No bandits, like the "Passator cortese"! :-D

I give you even this websites about paths between Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany: The map stops on the border, but of course they continue south (and north) to reach other regions.

I know that will start soon even the "Flaminia militare", another route who connect Arezzo to Bologna following the supposed path of the Roman military's Flaminia: a branch of Flaminia created by the roman army to shortcut through the Apennines.