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Hidden Money Belts

If wearing a RS hidden money belt, won't it be seen if my husband wears his kahkis with his shirt "tucked" in??

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4152 posts

I'm not sure what the RS money belt looks like but if it's like the normal ones you wear it under your pants. It can't be seen even if you tuck in your shirt. If you do tuck in your shirt it will make it much harder to get money out when you need it. Donna

Posted by
35 posts

True. My husband will have to decide what he wants to do. He usually wears his shirt tucked in, but it will be harder to get anything out of his hidden wallet. We will have to think about this. Thanks.

Posted by
687 posts

"it will be harder to get anything out of his hidden wallet" - you do NOT want to access the money belt in public. It's worn over underpants and under all other clothing and accessed in private. You carry enough money for one day separately, where it can be accessed more easily. If I need to access it during the day - after visiting an ATM or if I need to use a credit card - I find a bathroom so I can do so in private.

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23727 posts

It is money belt and not a hidden wallet. The harder it is for you to reach, the harder it is for someone else to reach it. It is worn will hidden under you clothes and never, never, never accessed in public. However do see lots of people using it as a hidden billfold and wearing it just behind the belt buckle. Better than nothing but not the proper use.

Posted by
35 posts

Thanks for all the responses. I have ordered the hidden wallet for my husband and haven't received it yet. I guess once we get it, we will see how it works. I have a money belt that I had received as a gift. I was planning on using that for myself and wasnt sure if it would hold two passports (one for me and one for my teenager)., along with credit/debit cards. I would prefer my husband to carry his passport, cards and money. I'm also looking into a small crossover type "purse" for myself, since I need a place for my camera. I'm trying to go as light as I can.

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4152 posts

Of course you never access a money belt in public but by tucking in a shirt it still makes it harder to get too, even in a restroom or the like. You basically have to get undressed instead of just pulling it out and tucking it back in. Diane, your husband might want to consider a neck wallet which is worn under the shirt. Donna

Posted by
7737 posts

This may be heresy to some on this site, but I wear a neck wallet when we go to Italy and never hesitate to just reach inside for the money I need regardless of whether someone can see. Everybody knows that if you're a tourist, you're carrying money. The purpose of a neck wallet or money belt is to make it impossible for pickpockets to get to - not to pretend you don't have any money on you. You won't be mugged if someone sees you reach inside your shirt unless you're in the scariest, seediest neighborhoods where you shouldn't be anyway. IMHO, of course.

Posted by
687 posts

How old is the teenager? Shouldn't s/he have their own money belt?

Posted by
4421 posts

Diane, are you referring to the "Hidden Wallet" style - with the 2 colored belt loops? If so, yes, on close inspection you can see the extra loop (barely), but if you're really uncomfortable with how it looks then simply safety-pin it to the inside of your waistband or pocket. It really takes a hand going way down into your pants to get it out - NOT that it can't happen! - but it's what we've used (my husband, in particular) for over a decade now, and we really like the versatility in how many ways you can wear them. Usually, your shirt will 'poof' a bit over your waistband...esp. in the front where you'll be wearing it. Just don't let anyone get too close to you...

Posted by
35 posts

Info is helpful, but now I'm not sure what my husband will decide to use. As far as my teenager, I think I will be carrying his passport and ID. He is 16 and think he will be oblivious to his surroundings, but if he caught someone trying to pick his pocket he would try to stop him. He's a big boy (6'1) and 170#...

Posted by
977 posts

My husband wears his inside the shirt AND some days even inside underwear. I wear a neck wallet across the body for passport and big bills, and on the heavy public transport days wear the bra safe under my arm for another credit card and some cash. Carry a purse with the lipstick, mug wallet, some cash.
Diane, not to burst your bubble but your son probably won't feel the pickpocket. We made our kids leave their smartphones at home, too.

Posted by
35 posts

I think I will wear my waist wallet I got as a gift. I will keep my credit/debit cards & Passports (mine & son's) in it. Hopefully, two passports will fit. I am looking at pacsafe purses or similar to keep my digital camera and any other small items.. Trying to go very light on what to carry. When the hidden wallet arrives by mail, my husband will have to decide if that's what he wants to use. I don't think my son will be carrying anything. He already knows he can't bring his phone because it won't work in Italy. He has an ipod, but will not be carrying it around during the day. We will be traveling with a group of 16 relatives. We will probably be a BIG target. It's a shame that we even have to prepare ourselves for this sort of possibility.

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34583 posts

if he caught someone trying to pick his pocket he would try to stop him. He's a big boy (6'1) and 170#... He won't know its happened. Pickpockets don't get involved with "big boys" or anybody else. They are many feet or yards away when the loss is discovered.

Posted by
35 posts

We will just play it smart and try to play it as safe as can be....and enjoy the trip!

Posted by
308 posts

Have you ever worn the RS moneybelt on an 85 degree day in Rome? Let me tell aint pretty. The thing gets sopping wet after a day of seeing the sights. After 2 weeks of wearing it everyday in Italy (I didn't bring a wallet) it's downright nasty! It has to be laundered. You must keep valuables in the thick plastic sleeve, or they'll get ruined. I kept our passports on me at all times when out and about. it works well protecting documents. My euros were always a little moist. Despite all this...if you want to be safe not sorry, you'll use it. Thieves basically would have to rip your pants off to get to it.
The RS moneybelt is nylon, beige colored, and lightweight. I'll be using it again later this month.

Posted by
35 posts

Yes. I have thought about the heat. The only consolation is that it is so hot where I am right now, close to 100, I hope the 85 degree temps will seem cool! I have read that you should put your passports, etc in plastic bags to keep them dry. It will be interesting.

Posted by
26 posts

Michael, please tell me that you didn't do what a friend of ours did all through Italy - he pulled his shirt up around his armpits, showing his big hairy bare belly to all who were near, every time he wanted to access his money. It was comical by the end of the trip! Agreed, moneybelts can be very hot in the summertime! But we still use them.

Posted by
7 posts

We watched the police bust a guy at Tivoli Fountain one evening. He had 10+ wallets on him. Like others have said everyone knows you are carrying money. What you are stopping is a pick pocket. They are good. You want to carry any, any and all valuables in a manner that you will be aware if anyone tries to pick you. Consider carrying your camera with a good heavy strap around your neck, not just over your shoulder. They like large crowds and work in teams. I wear a neck pouch for our passports and my husband wears a belt under his pants. Don't let it ruin your vacation, but be aware.

Posted by
162 posts

My fiance LOVED the hidden pocket!! On our first day or two he wore both the money belt and the hidden belt but then after that he stuck with just the hidden pocket and used the black belt loop with his black belt. He wore jeans and khacki shorts as well...I would hold maybe 20E but he had the rest for the day, we only took out a certain amount with us for the day, never carried loads of cash, had three different debit cards on different accounts where we both had access in case one got stolen/lost.