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Hertz Rental return in Florence - ZTL?

Ok, so Hertz booked our car to be returned in by SMN...which is inside ZTL (I believe)...I' thinking I may need to change this? Mid-June return date....


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3310 posts

This location is definitely in the ZTL. You can drop off the car at the airport or at Via del Sansovino 53
Florence, 50142. Via del San is closer and you should easily be able to get a taxi to your hotel. Even though rental agencies and hotels can "white list" your car, I wouldn't risk it.

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4152 posts

Contact the rental office at SMN and ask them for directions to the site. They should be able to give you exact directions that allow you to drive the car there and drop it off without any ZTL penalties. If you stray, even the slightest, from these direction you can be heavily fined. Personally, I would return the car to the airport and take a taxi into town. It will be much cheaper than any possible tickets.


Posted by
180 posts

We had a similar thing happen to us. We rented a car in Rome and drove to Florence. AutoEurope. When i rented I asked if the return was in the ZTL and the woman at the counter said no. Not true. As we drove in, I saw the ZTL warning signs so I turned. After about 5 minutes trying to figure out how to get to the return location (and it was closing in 10 minutes) I just drive through the ZTL and to the return. When we arrived, the attendant explained that he logs into the system and registers the car with the ZTL system for this kind of event. No problem.

If your return location is inside the ZTL, no worries. If not, make sure not to enter.

Posted by
34 posts

Thanks everyone - too stressful a thought for vacation - we switched to airport for same cost. Thanks so much for all the insight!!!

Posted by
46 posts

We were assured by the car rental place that we would not be fined when we returned our car within the ZTL in Florence. We even had a decal-type thing in the windshield that was supposed to cover us. NOT. It has been 5 years, received the first two tickets within two years, and the last one was last month. Too late to contact anyone.

Posted by
1773 posts

The ZTL cameras are deactivated by transponder devices issued to residents, not by decals. The only other way around is to be entered manually in a white list - this can be done by a garage, an hotel, a few business, the municipal police - but make sure that whoever is supposed to do it, really does.