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Hertz Rental locations in Florence?

We will be picking up our car in Florence- Hertz- with the AARP discount.
Is there a preferred location- other than airport- that is the easier to get to/pick up/get out of town?

Hertz website shows locations at:
Via del Sansovino,+Firenze,+Italy&t=m&z=16

Via Francesco Redi (IKEA),+Scandicci,+Florence,+Italy&hl=en&ll=43.747537,11.183052&spn=0.194691,0.314484&sll=43.779027,11.277466&sspn=0.389176,0.628967&oq=Via+Francesco+Redi+&hnear=Via+Francesco+Redi,+Scandicci,+Firenze,+Toscana,+Italy&t=m&z=12

Any help on this would be appreciated.

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16238 posts

Will you be staying in the historical center for a few days prior to picking up the car or are you going to pick up directly from the airport?
If you are in the city center prior to pick up, then pick up at their city center office on VIA BORGOGNISSANTI 137red (in Florence businesses have numbers in red, residences in black).
There is no fear of ZTL (restricted traffic zone) to exit the historical center from that location. Just drive west on via Borgognissanti (which then becomes via il Prato), at the Prato city gate turn right on Viale Fratelli Rosselli and go wherever you wish.

I didn't know they had a location at the IKEA. The IKEA is at the Osmannoro district west of the airport. If you land in Florence and seat on the left windows you'll see it just before touch down. The map link you gave is via Redi in Scandicci, a suburb of Florence. There is no IKEA there. The IKEA is at another via Francesco Redi in the Osmannoro district of Sesto Fiorentino (another suburb).

Via del Sansovino is at the Isolotto district, west of the city center on the other side of the river Arno.

Except for the city center location on via Borgognissanti, all other options will require a taxi ride. You can probably walk to via Borgognissanti if you don't carry a lot of luggage.

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7362 posts

Thank you Roberto- that is helpful.

The IKEA location threw me- it didn't look right!
We will be staying in the center and traveling light so a 15 min walk to car pick up is fine. Would also be willing to spring for a cab to a further out location if that seems easier.

We need an automatic and I have read that even if requested there might not be one available at pick up location so I am thinking we might just be safer to cab to airport and rent from there. I know the cost will be a bit more.

Any thoughts on the possibility of agency in town not having an automatic for us?

The Sansovino location just looks easier to me- outside the ZTL and close to road to Siena, where we are headed.

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8371 posts

When we picked up our rental car, it was at the Hertz Sansovino address. We caught a cab from the train station over there--maybe 2 miles.

We were given directions on how to easily get out of town as we were going south toward Poggibonsi and Chianti.

Every airport I've ever traveled to has extra charges and taxes on vehicles picked up there. City center or other locations are always less expensive to rent from.

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16238 posts

The airport location and the city center locations are most likely to have automatics. BORGOGNISSANTI is not part of the ZTL, it's one of the "excepted" corridors. In any case ZTL cameras are located only on ZTL entrances. You will not go through any ZTL entrances because you are exiting the historical center. It is impossible to go through a ZTL entrance from Borgognissanti. The street is a one way street from east to west. Trust a Florentine.

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7362 posts

Thanks again Roberto. I will trust you!

I did not mean to imply that the BORGOGNISSANTI location was inside ZTL- just that the exit route from Sansovino exit seems easier/closer to the road we want to take out of town.
So now I have 2 good options for in town locations.