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Here's our vacation plans !!

Sept.10 fly into Rome.
Sept 10-13 Rome
13-15 Venice
15-22 Cinque Terre
22-23 Rome Fly home

Posted by
1317 posts

It seems a little short on days at the beginning of the trip to me. If you fly into Rome on Sept 10, you really won't get much done that day. Going from Rome to Venice will take up most of the 13th as well. That means you only have 2 days to see Rome, which seems like a push.

Likewise, the 13th and 15th will mostly be taken up with travel and you will only have one day to see Venice. Can you redistribute some of your CT days and maybe add one day each to Rome and Venice?

Posted by
74 posts

Thanks Liz for the reply. We may try and stay in Venice for one more day. We already have our rooms reserved for our stays. We will be taking the early train from Rome to Venice so hope we will get there in good time that day. Then we will be taking the train to Verrenza. Have you taken the trains in Italy? Thanks Ron.

Posted by
7737 posts

As relaxing as they are, I would get bored in the CT after 3 nights. I would move days to Venice and Rome, where you never run out of things to do.

Posted by
3551 posts

Add more days to Rome for sure. There is so much to see and do. You will not regret it.

Posted by
10344 posts

You only have about 10 or 1l total days after deducting for flying in/out days. 4 days Rome, 3 days Venice, balance of time in CT. 2 full days in Rome is not enough given your total # of days.