So we were in Italy last September/October and had a car. We were trying to be so careful with ZTL's but we knew in Bolzano we violated it and would be getting a ticket. Well, it arrived a couple weeks ago. I scanned it and was going to attach it but I can't figure out how. Is that possible?
Anyway, I tried to go online and pay it but I can't figure it out. I'm glad to pay it but I need some help. Any suggestions? How have the rest of you dealt with them?
It says "This is the website where you can see the photo and the fine:
I get this far
Violation detail n.145139/2022 Series Z of 09/25/2022 Vehicle plate GD309JX
Verbal date
09/25/2022 10:54
Notification date
65401 / 2022
Vehicle brand
Verbal Status
On 25/09/2022 at 10:54 am passing through the VIA GRAPPOLI gate, the unidentified driver of the MOTOR VEHICLE brand JEEP BU AXN1B E13AB5 license plate GD309JX, circulated in the limited traffic area without respecting the ban on transit imposed by vertical signs and without having the right, violating the art. 7 paragraph 9 and 14 of the Highway Code (DLvo n. 285/92). The violation was reported to the Bolzano Municipal Police Headquarters by Mat. 8 TINAGLIA ROBERTO on 25/10/2022, at 10:24, taking a look at the digital photographic proof, deposited in the records, obtained from the system called @@099 (Reference sirio photo system no. Ref. sirio photo system no. 0013623113 )
Articles violated
Article 7 -
Points deduction
The violation does not provide for the deduction of points.
The service is unable to automatically determine the amount to be paid as the date of notification of the fine has not yet been recorded.
Based on the date of notification of the report in his possession, within 5 days of the latter he will be able to make the payment with the discounted amount , otherwise the payment must be made with the reduced amount by clicking on the wording "Reduced amount" present more down.
Discounted amount
The payment of the report provides for the discounted amount of 30% in the 5 days following the date of notification of the report; if these days have passed, the payment provides for the reduced amount.
DescriptionAmountDiscounted amount€58.10Expense amount€24.50Already paid€0.00AMOUNT DUE€82.60
Reduced amount
The payment of the report requires the amount to be reduced if 5 days have passed from the date of notification of the report.
DescriptionAmountReduced amount€83.00Expense amount€24.50Already paid€0.00AMOUNT DUE€107.50
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Documentation Filing of certified email [email protected]
Documentation Filing of certified email [email protected]
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Municipal Police/Stadtpolizei
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Telephone: 800-461340
Email: [email protected]
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But how do I pay it?