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Help with Italian language??

Hi, I would like to ask the hotel to reserve tickets for myself and my husband to the Uffizi gallery in Florence on October 1, 2009. However they don't seem to speak English and I don't speak Italian. They have responded to my inquiry about whether they can reseve tickets with the following answer:ok acheora deve fissare il giorno e l'ora che li resta comodo. I am curious what they are saying(I tried the computer translators but it doesn't seem to work that well).
Also, how do I ask in Italian for them to reserve 2 tickets at the Uffizzi on 1 October at 14:00?

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209 posts

The first thing is "acheora" should be "a che ora," three words, asking you what time you want. They're basically asking what day and time are convenient for you.

I'd respond with:
Per favore, 2 biglietti per Uffizi a 14:00, 1 Ottobre

It's not the most grammatically perfect, or in complete sentences for that matter, but that's how I'd get it across. If you wait a bit maybe someone else has a better answer!

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192 posts

Thanks. I pasted their reply directly from their response, but that does explain why acheora did not get translated in the google translator. LOL! I appreciate the help.

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32249 posts


Tamara's response is short and to the point, and should be easily understood by the Hotel staff.

Happy travels!

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267 posts

My Italian is a little rusty, but I think this is a polite way to say it: To say this in Italian: "Will you please make me a reservation for two people for the Uffizi Gallery on October 1st at 2:00? Thank you." you will say: "Vuole farmi una prenotazione per due persone alla Galleria degli Uffizi il 1 Ottobre per 14:00? grazie."
Their reply should have the time they were able to reserve for you at the Uffizi (it may be slightly different than the time you requested), as well as a confirmation number ("a conferma di" or "numero a conferma di"). print that out and take it with you to the Uffizi and give it to the ticket-taker person. You will need to pay a few euro reservation fee on top of the admission fee. Also remember to show up 20 minutes or so ahead of your scheduled time, just to be sure.
By the way, I translate what they said as "At what time of day must you see it and what time thereabouts is convenient?" (meaning, give them some other options in case 2:00 does not work. I'd recommned giving a few other options on the half hour in that time frame).
Good luck, and have fun!