We are taking a train from Poggibonsi train station to Pisa. We will be taking Nord Poggibonsi exit from the highway (direction towards Siena). Our GPS is not working right now and we are having problems finding directions to Poggibonsi train station. Can anyone help with this? Thank you!
Mary, The best suggestion I have at the moment is to have a look at this: maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=109772819845293717538.0004835cfa136e2f392ab You'll have to cut & paste the link. Hopefully you get the problems with your GPS sorted soon! Good luck!
In case you get lost, "where is the train station?" in Italian is: "Dove si trova la stazione ferroviaria?"
Easier to remember is "Stazione treno?" It's not grammatically perfect, but they'll know what you mean.