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Help trying to purchase tickets for Accademia and Uffizi Gallery

Went to web site where Rick Steve's suggested.

Don't get it at all. Put the date I wanted to go. Gives me the next day. Put the date before the day I actually want to go. Gives me the date I actually want to go on! Why can't it just give me the day that I actually request? Help

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16884 posts

I wouldn't wait until you get to Florence to buy your tickets as you'll get a bigger selection of time slots if you purchase before. When using the b-ticket site, select a date on the calendar that is BEFORE the day you want to go as it shows openings FROM a chosen date, not ON a chosen date.

So, if you want to go on or after Sept. 14th, say, then choose "From date" Sept 13th. Openings FROM that date - starting with Sept 14th and onwards - will come up. :O)

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97 posts

That's what I thought Kathy. However, I don't understand all the time slots and locations within the Galleria Academia and other Museums. Isn't it a one price admission to the Galleria Academia? And a one price admission to each and every other museum? Thanks for any info.

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16884 posts

I'm not sure exactly what is hanging you up but will give it a shot.

Tickets are pre-sold by time slots so they can try and regulate the amount of people coming in at any one time. So say you're trying to buy tickets to the Uffizi for Sept 14th?

Choose Sept 13th from the b-ticket Uffizi calendar and a new page comes up.

That page will show available tickets for dates beyond Sept 13th. Click on the the green "tickets" button for Fr 14.09.2018.

What comes up is a list of open time slots to the museum for that day +the option of purchasing a cumulative ticket which includes entry to the Pitti Palace and Boboli Gardens in addition to the Uffizi (see my note below). It also includes pricing tiers for adult, full-priced tickets, reduced price for EU students between certain ages, and reservation price for children under 18. There are also annual tickets, which can be ignored. So, you just chose the number of each type of ticket you want under the time slot you'd prefer, click the green "in the shopping cart" button at the bottom of the page and proceed to checkout.

Do the same thing with the b-ticket website to buy tickets for the Accademia: go to the page for that museum ( choose an available time slot and number of each price tier: "Intero/Full" for an adult ticket and "Gratuito/Free" for each child under 18, You'd only buy Ridotto/Reduced tickets if you are or will be visiting with an EU student between ages 18 to 25.

Click on "Terms & Conditions of the Service (please read carefully)" at the bottom of ticket-selection pages for helpful details, such as picking up your tickets (opt, on the ordering page, to pick them up at the museum versus having them shipped).

The Pitti Palace and Boboli Gardens are in a completely different location than the Uffizi. Look them up on a map and do a bit or reading about them if you're interesting in purchasing the Uffizi ticket which includes these.

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97 posts

Sorry to bother again. I've been researching and maybe I'm missing something. Tickets on the web site are for 15 min increments. I don't understand the 15 min increments. Example want to see the Uffizy Gallery and the web sight gives a time like 10:00 - 10:15 purchase price of 24 euro. Does that mean I pay 24 euro to only have 15 min to see gallery? I'm sorry for this silly question but i really do plead ignorance. I do have a Rick Steve's Italy book 2018 and can't find an answer. Thanks

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97 posts

Thanks Traylaparks!
A question for u if I may.
Do you still have to wait in line to get in. I saw a site that said "skip the line" and you pay about 15 euro more. Or is that "skip the line" to buy a ticket.

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16884 posts

I saw a site that said "skip the line" and you pay about 15 euro more.
Or is that "skip the line" to buy a ticket.

Everyone with a pre-purchased ticket "skips the line" so there is NO reason to pay more for it on 3rd-party websites than it would cost if buying from a museum's official ticketing site. Yes, by "skip the line" they mean ticket lines. If a museum has is a security-check queue, no one can skip those. Regarding third-party ticketers, this was my response to someone with a recent pricing question/complaint as an example of why to buy from "official" sites or at least do the homework so you don't pay more than you need to.

"An adult, time-specific, skip-the-line ticket for the Accademia purchased from the Viator website costs $21.37 U.S. (18.35 euro) for a random date of August 23rd. That same ticket purchased from the b-ticket website is priced at 12 euro ( $13.98 U.S.)."

Example want to see the Uffizy Gallery and the web sight gives a time
like 10:00 - 10:15 purchase price of 24 euro. Does that mean I pay 24
euro to only have 15 min to see gallery?

Trayla is correct: those 15-minutes is the time window you have to enter the museum. You don't want to miss your appointed time slot.

Posted by
26 posts

If you find the website confusing, try what I did. As per Rick Steves, I phoned Italy to reserve tickets to both Accademia and Uffizi. They spoke perfect English, it was only one phone call and my times and dates are reserved. Plus, if I don’t use all the tickets, there are five of us in our group, I don’t have to pay for them. Best part, the phone call was three minutes and only cost me 30 cents. The number from North America is 011-39-055-294-883. Make sure you call during their business hours, otherwise there isn’t the option to reserve tickets in English. The first time I called it was outside of regular business hours and I went round in circles for two minutes. Thankfully that call only cost me 20 cents. And no, I don’t have a long distance phone plan.

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97 posts

Hi birvine2012

Re: "They spoke perfect English, it was only one phone call and my times and dates are reserved. Plus, if I don’t use all the tickets, there are five of us in our group, I don’t have to pay for them."

Question for birvine2012 . And Kathy could you comment too?
So you reserved but didn't pay? Don't you have to wait in line when you are there to pay for tickets? Or is there a separate line to pay and pick up reserved tickets.

Another question to birvine2012: I have RS' book Italy 2018 or as you said "per Rick Steve" where does he give that info. Please sight link or page numbers. Thanks :)

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97 posts

Hi Kathy
I'm almost there lol. Iv'e been really busy. In regards to your response on 6/17:

"What comes up is a list of open time slots to the museum for that day +the option of purchasing a cumulative ticket which includes entry to the Pitti Palace and Boboli Gardens in addition to the Uffizi (see my note below)."

The link timed out but i am still able to get to the webshop-b site and I don't see the cumulative ticket which includes Pitti Palace and Boboli Gardens and Uffizi. Help please. Can you tell me where? :)

Side notes a and b: a) Don't want to see more than the Gardens, Palace, Uffizi and the David. Which I think this adds up less than a Firenzie Card?

b) I'm an "am" person and RS suggested early am for David. Which is great. And RS suggested 16:30 for Uffizi. What do you think?

Anyway recap: There are 3 questions for you above. Thanks for your response.

In Florence Sept 14 - 17 1/2 day travel on the 14 and 17th. 2 full days 15th and 16th

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97 posts

Hi Kathy I found the cumulative package. You can answer the other 2 questions if you like? You are so knowledgeable and I greatly appreciate it.

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97 posts

Kathy, the 3 day-cumulative means I can visit Uffizi, B Gardens and Palace only 1 time over a 3 day period? Correct?

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97 posts


Galleria Palatina and Galleria Arte Moderna are these in the Pitti Palace which is then included in the cumulative package with the Uffizi?

Posted by
16884 posts

Question for birvine2012 . And Kathy could you comment too? So you
reserved but didn't pay? Don't you have to wait in line when you are
there to pay for tickets? Or is there a separate line to pay and pick
up reserved tickets.

Sorry, can't comment on this as I haven't done it the way birvine2012 has.

The link timed out but i am still able to get to the webshop-b site
and I don't see the cumulative ticket which includes Pitti Palace and
Boboli Gardens and Uffizi. Help please. Can you tell me where? :)

On the b-ticket website, Find a day you want to visit the Uffizi and buy a cumulative ticket ("Intero Cumulativo 3 giorni" or "3-day cumulative"). Go through this portal for explanation and b-ticket site:

Kathy, the 3 day-cumulative means I can visit Uffizi, B Gardens and
Palace only 1 time over a 3 day period? Correct?


b) I'm an "am" person and RS suggested early am for David. Which is
great. And RS suggested 16:30 for Uffizi. What do you think?

No opinion on this, The Florence "David" is not my personal fave (mine is in Rome and is a Bernini) so while I'm glad we did it, I wouldn't personally stress about when to do it. We saw it first thing in the morning, if it makes any difference?

Galleria Palatina and Galleria Arte Moderna are these in the Pitti
Palace which is then included in the cumulative package with the

Yes. Galleria Arte Moderna was not a fave so we spent almost no time there. Understand also that the gardens are not spaces with masses of carefully cultivated flowers as you might expect "gardens" to be.

Posted by
97 posts

Thanks Kathy!
May I ask did u like the Galleria Palatina?

And thanks for tip on the Bernini David! Had no clue about that one. Checked it out. Wow, it's so alive and active! I'll be in Rome to check that out!

Posted by
26 posts

Hi there,
The only book I have in front of me now is the RS Mediterranean Cruise Ports fourth edition. He mentions it on page 397. I did have the RS Italy 2018 and it is probably in there as well. My understanding, and people can correct me if I am wrong, is that even if you buy the tickets online you only get a voucher which has to be exchanged for a ticket. No, I have not paid any money yet. I have to pick up and pay for my tickets when we get there but we have a reservation with a specific entry time for both museums and a confirmation number.


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16884 posts

May I ask did u like the Galleria Palatina?

I was conflicted about the Palatine. While there are unarguably some very fine works in the collection, I had trouble with the sheer visual assault of some of the rooms: so many pieces crowded into them that it was difficult to focus*. A fair number of paintings were also positioned too high on the walls to examine, especially if they were on the small side, and it became uncomfortably warm inside during our May visit.

I'm glad we did it but the groupings weren't particularly easy to take in, IMHO.

*There is a reason the works are displayed as they are:

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97 posts

Thanks for responding Bernadette! I'd like to know out it does turn out, if you have time to tell.

Once again a big THANKS Kathy.
I still have another question. Sorry :/
From the sight you sent: It says once you purchase the ticket and receive confirmation email, you then go to the ticket office with the printed confirmation to be exchanged . So you then are "cutting in line" in front of others who are purchasing tickets at the ticket office?