I booked my train tickets on TrenItalia and put it on my credit card - but it didn't give me a receipt or email me tickets. The phone numbers on TrenItalia look like they charge you but I also haven't had any luck getting through or getting an email through. What should I do next?
Teresa , Did you register with the site before purchasing tickets ? Problems seem to arise with non-registration . Did you get anything from Trenitalia via e-mail ? check your junkmail or spam folder ( I have heard that this is sometimes where the e-mail can wind up .
Did you alert your credit card company of a pending charge from Italy? Often the credit card fraud department will reject any foreign charge. Wait 24 hours and call your credit card company to see if the charge went through. If not, start over.
Though I am registered I had forgotten as it has been awhile. I was just checking the prices. When I saw that it was a good price I got enthusiastic and booked it. Then a register page came and then it closed. I didn't get any email though I did put in an email address. Would I get in trouble or double charged if I told my credit card not to pay?
If you have registered, I would enter the site via your log-in in order to attempt to access any possible information located there .
Teresa, first I would check with the credit card company to see if you have been charged. Second, if you have been charged, I would request the credit card company to cancel the transaction. If you don't have any correspondence from Trenitalia, it may not be worth trying to fix the situation when they have your money and you have nothing. At minimum, you should have received an email. The email you want will contain a document that have a 6-digit PNR code and a QR code (internet scan code). However, we have heard about emails missing the PNR code but containing some type of retrieval code. You need to go online to get your 6-digit PNR code. I suspect that not registering causes this second type of email but I'm not sure.